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walking through the dimly lit streets, you were heading towards the metro station. you looked behind you and relaxed as you realized you were quite far from jujutsu tech already.

you knew damn well that if you stayed at jujutsu tech that you would break your head while thinking about megumi.

and so you walked to the metro station, on your way to your house. the metro arrived pretty fast and you boarded along with your stuff.

after two full hours, you finally came to the destination and got off, the scenery was different. even though you grew up in the area, you were still amazed by the stuff around you.

you crossed a bridge and continued walking to your house, eager to find answers. passing a few other houses on your way, you started to feel nostalgic.

remembering how you would play around here with other kids, when you didnt know of curses. it was so much simpler then. your phone vibrated and you grabbed to get it out of your pocket.

the message was from megumi, you carefully read the message, hoping it was something positive.

im sorry i reacted that way.

i wanted to tell you in person but you were probably asleep.

you smiled at the message, at least he didnt hate you otherwise he wouldnt have sent a message. you decided to reply to him later in the morning since he thought you were sleeping, 'lets keep it that way.' you thought to yourself.

looking up from your phone, you saw you were nearing your house and checked the time on the upper corner of your screen. '11.50PM'

it was slightly embarrassing to come this late to a strangers home, but you really needed answers. now standing in front of your japanese styled house, you knocked twice to see if anyone was still awake.

almost in an instant, the door slid open, revealing a woman in her mid 30s. she had light brown hair with bangs that fell on her face, the rest of her hair was neatly combed into a bun.

she looked at you with her orange-ish eyes and you wanted to introduce yourself to her. but she already did it for you. "y/n l/n?" she asked you.

you were slightly surprised, this meant that she already expected that you were coming this late, "yes, i am." you spoke up.

the woman smiled and opened the door even more to let you in, "im hina satou, thank you for coming." she spoke with kindness in her voice.

she gestured for you to come in, but you didnt budge. "where is my mom." was the first thing that came out of your mouth. you didnt sound subtle, in fact you sounded intimidating.

hina frowned at you and repeated herself as kind as possible, "lets talk about that inside, sweetie." she said and tilted her head to the side to give you a closed eyed smile.

you frowned but walked in nevertheless, you needed the answers as soon as possible. at this moment you just wanted your mom to be okay.

hina gestured you to take a seat at her round table. it didnt look like your house anymore, there was new furniture and such.

sitting down, hina walked to the counter in the kitchen which was in front of the round table. you looked at her back as she turned around, making something. "darling, do you want some tea?" she spoke up.

"no thank you." you replied sternly and raised your voice slightly as you neared your sentence. you were getting annoyed already.

the tall woman turned around to face you, she walked to the table and took a seat opposite of you. with her hand wrapped around her tea cup, she cleared her throat.

she opened her mouth, "about your mom." she said and she took a sip from her cup, taking her sweet time to bring the teacup to her mouth to drink from it.

hina swallowed and put her teacup back on the table, inhaling deeply as she spoke up again, "izumi l/n is not on this world anymore." she said and looked at you to inspect your reaction.

your face changed in an instant, from a bored look with half lidded eyes to a look of confusion and surprise. slowly your features displayed discomfort and horror too. your eyes widened and your mouth parted.

with furrowed brows you shook your head, "youre lying." you said loudly. your hands balled up in fists on the table. hina didnt make a move, after a while she spoke up again.

"it has been two months by now." she whispered and looked down at her tea in her red tinted cup. you leaned back in your chair, your hands automatically raised on their own to cup your face in a slow motion.

leaning back to the table, you let your elbows rest on the table while supporting your head. hina sighed and took this as a sign to continue, "we tried to contact you and your dad but no one knew the address of your college nor where your dad works." she spoke up and looked back at you with a distressed face.

thats right, they were normal people, they didnt know about the fact that you went to a jujutsu school to become a sorcerer, they didnt even know about curses. your mom would always tell others that you went to college and had a dorm there.

"we were glad to receive the letter, we could finally send one back to let you know." hina spoke up and her voice slightly cracked.

still with your face in your hands, you tilted your head up to look her in the eye, you couldnt see her clearly as your sight was blurry.

you tried to speak up, you couldnt get the right words out as your breath hitched in your throat. finally speaking up, "her cause of dead?" you said and looked at her as you felt tears swell up in the corners of your eyes.

hina hesitated, she looked down at the table, she was going to make up a lie and you knew she would. before she had the chance to think about a lie, you slammed your hands on the table, yelling out, "tell me!" while standing up, shoving your chair behind you in the process.

your voice was loud and demanding, echoing through the entire living room. you looked angered and she didnt want to lie to about it.

the distressed woman in front of you mumbled silently and you didnt hear what she said, you frowned, "what?" you said quietly and wanted her to be more clear in her answer.

"... murdered." she spoke up in the quietest voice she could muster, she didnt want to say it. your arms left the table, falling to your sides as you were still standing.

at first you didnt believe it, you didnt want to believe it. the news of your mom not being here anymore was already unbelievable as it was, and now she hit you with even more shocking news.

it was silent for a while. your vision wasnt as blurry anymore, all your tears were released at that moment, flowing down your face.

looking at hina with widened eyes as you heard the words coming from her mouth. your breath hitched and you swallowed thickly, trying to speak up between your sobs, "... w-" you tried to talk but almost choked on your tears.

tears now flowing down from your chin all the way to your neck, they didnt seem to stop anytime soon. you tried to speak again, "who would do t-" is all you could manage.

fortunately for you, she heard you and told you who did such a gruesome thing. "she was hated by them, for what reason, i dont know." she said and paused.

then looking up at you, you were eagerly waiting for their name, you would hunt them down untill they would be death. hina took a deep breath and whispered, "they were jealous of her, the other l/n's."

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