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his collar was still down and you saw him giving you a relieved smile. he stood up straight as you approached him.

you picked up your pace slightly and he opened his arms while still smiling. collapsing into his arms and burying your head into his shoulder.

with your arms around his neck and his arms wrapped around your waist, you felt at peace again. as if you didnt just get hunted down by a special grade curse.

taking in all his warmth at the moment, you were so glad he was left unscathed. you closed your eyes and appreciated the moment.

kamo and megumi took this as a sign to leave and went to investigate the place they were currently in. the 4 of you were still currently being haunted by one of the most dangerous cursed spirits.

megumi looked at you two, sighed and then left to inspect the left side of the building. kamo took that as a sign that he would inspect the right side.

you hugged inumaki even more by wrapping your arms tighter around his neck, pressing your chest against his and slightly feeling his heartbeat which was pounding through his clothing.

he wrapped his arms even more around your waist in response, taking in all your warmth. after a while he broke the hug and brought some distance between the two of you.

you looked up to him a little confused, he removed one hand from your waist and brought it up to cup your face.

"mustard leaf?" he asked sternly as he scanned all the features on your face slowly. he brought his face closer to yours and looked intensely at your cheek.

you blushed at the close contact but tried to hide it, with no avail. your cheeks were tinted a light shade of pink now. "im fine, dont worry about me." you said while looking at his violet eyes.

the few streaks of light that came falling through the window of the building landed perfectly on inumakis face, giving him an orange-ish hue since it was already close to sunset.

scanning his features too, you realized how attractive he actually was, especially with his collar down. looking at his lips, you spoke up again, "im actually worried about y-" you said but couldnt finish.

you were worried about him too, he seemed so stressed earlier you couldnt take it. you wanted to know if he was nearing his limit too. it could be crucial information if he was near his limit already.

inumaki interrupted you with a, "bonito flakes." and rubbed his thumb on the side of your cheek. you were confused and suddenly something started stinging  where inumaki placed his thumb.

you flinched and the violet eyed boy removed his hand as he thought he hurted you. you saw his thumb was covered in a little bit of blood from your cheek.

raising your hand upwards to your face, you touched the side of your cheek that hurted previously and inspected your hand. you saw the slightest bit of blood and figured you had a small cut on your cheek.

thinking back, it probably happened when you kicked hanami on the side of their head, when all the dust flew around a single piece of stone must have pierced through the surface of your cheek.

not noticing upon now, you reasoned that it probably was a small cut since it didnt hurt at all, besides it had already stopped bleeding.

inumaki was frowning and you reassured him, "its really nothing, just a small cut." you said while giving him a soft smile.

he looked at you and brought his hand up to your face, brushing a few strands of your (h/c) hair behind your ear.

then he did something unthinkable. cupping your jaw once again with his hand that brushed your hair in place, he leaned towards your cheek with his eyes closed, and eventually his lips got in contact with the small scar on your face.

you widened your eyes as his lips brushed against your skin. it was a gentle motion and you melted under his touch. his lips were so soft against your cheek.

his lips were even warmer than the hug he previously gave you and you started blushing again, this time your face was covered in a deep shade of red.

after he broke the kiss, your eyes were still widened and your mouth had slightly parted too. he looked at your reddened face and let out a quiet laugh at your flustered state, quite entertained at the sight.

as if he couldnt make it any worse he wrapped his arms around your waist again and brought his mouth close to your ear.

feeling his hot breath flowing against your ear, he opened his mouth slowly and whispered a soft, "thats cute." while smiling.

you tensed your shoulders up and grabbed his uniform by the front of his chest with both hands, burying your head in his chest once again to make sure he didnt see you blush any more.

it made him laugh a little louder and he brought one hand up to caress your hair, his fingers running through it.

you melted under his touch once more and thought to yourself. 'god, if he continues this i will definitely fall for him.' while softly smiling to yourself.

falling in love would be amazing but you would never think you would have the chance to do so at jujutsu tech. you had basically guessed you wouldnt have time for that as you mainly focused on becoming stronger and fighting curses.

being born in a world as a cursed technique user really had some disadvantages.

at that moment, you heard footsteps nearing you at a fast rate and kamo came storming in the room.

you snapped your head at him and tightened your grip on inumakis uniform slightly. "we need to go, the curse found us." he breathed out.

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