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you woke up from your slumber as you felt the warm sunlight that was shining on your face dimly, you assumed it was close to sunrise.

not feeling as stiff as when you woke up from your coma, you sat up in your bed and stretched your arms above your head. immediately regretting this as you felt a stinging pain in your stomach.

you had to wait a while for the pain to suffice more, although it only hurted when you would stretch, run or do other activities where your stomach would move too much.

you retracted from your stretching position and held both arms around your waist in hopes that the pain would fade away sooner.

resting your back against the wall behind you, you tilted your head to the side as the pain lessened. looking at your digital clock you saw it read, 'saturday - 7.39AM' and you raised your brows.

suddenly realizing that it was saturday, it meant that the visit hours would be longer, instead untill 10PM, your visitors could stay untill 1AM.

feeling another rush of excitement overcome you, you thought about what gojo said yesterday, in a flashback.

gojo spoke up yesterday, "the second years want to visit too." he said while walking further into the room. "a certain one was really passionate about wanting to see you, l/n." gojo continued as he sat down on the chair he had been sitting on for the previous two days.

"but i told them they could do so tomorrow, otherwise it would be too much for you." he spoke up with a small smile.

you had a smile on your face as you remembered what happened the day before, that would mean the second years would visit today.

eagerly waiting for them, you had too wait untill its 6PM for them to come in, since the visit hours would start then.

you sighed as you realized that you had too wait another 10 hours to pass time. slumping your back against the wall.

but then you shot up and sat straight, you could use this time to write a letter for your mom. a determined expression was now laid on your face.

but where would you get the paper and envelope from? you already had a pen next to you so the only thing you missed was paper. looking around in your room while still sitting on your bed.

you scanned the area around you and couldnt find anything useful, as if on his cue, you heard someone approaching the sliding door of the infirmary.

waiting in anticipation, you finally saw the door slide and saw your doctor standing there in the door frame. he looked at you weirdly as he checked the time on his watch on his wrist.

tilting his head back upwards to face you, he spoke up, "what are you doing up so early?" he said but didnt expect an answer.

kaito walked to the side and started looking for some papers on a certain desk, this was your chance to ask him if he had any blank papers, or could get some for you.

opening your mouth while kaitos back was facing you, you spoke up in a raspy tone, "kuboyashu." you said in the worst morning voice. it had been 11 days since you could talk anyways.

kaito snapped his head up and stood now straight, still with his back facing you. you slowly saw his side profile as he looked over his shoulder to you.

"oh my, youre recovering faster than expected." he said while raising his eyebrows. you sighed as you realized you still couldnt talk properly.

you looked at him and spoke up, "do you..." you said as you cleared your throat, it still hurted slightly to talk. kaito waited patiently for you to finish your sentence.

"have any... blank papers and an envelope?" you continued then and he spoke up without questioning why. "i sure do, ill get some for you." he said as he laid the documents in his hand down on the table and walked out of the infirmary.

rubbing your throat to seize the pain, you were kind off glad you could talk again. it was only a matter of time before you were back to your whole self.

you shifted yourself towards the edge of your bed, sitting in front of the table. now only realizing that you were happy you werent wearing a hospital gown that you would get after surgery.

adjusting your black, loose shirt that you got the day after you woke up, you then brought you hands to the waistband of your white sweatpants to bring it up a little.

the door slid open and you saw kaito walking towards you with the single envelope and a few blank papers in his hands. you sat straight up and grabbed the pen in your hand.

he stood next to you and spoke up, "l/n, good luck with whatever youre going to do." he said as he leaned against the wall next to your bed.

"i have to go to an important meeting today." you looked up at him at the sudden news and he continued. "you know, doctor business." he breathed out.

folding his arms in front of his chest while still leaning against the wall, he said, "which means ill be absent for long, most likely will be back around 10PM." he spoke as he looked down at you.

"if you get any unwanted visitors, walk outside and call gojo, he will take care of it." he finished as he brought his hand up to run his fingers through his pitch black hair, a few loose strands falling onto his forehead in the process.

you opened your mouth, "will do, thank you." you said as you shifted your head to look at the paper in front of you.

kaito stood straight again and took his leave, while walking out of the infirmary he spoke up once more, "have a good day." he said in his monotone voice.

"you too." you told him in your still raspy voice. now grabbing the pen with your hand tightly, you could begin. you sighed as you didnt even know how to start writing a letter to your mom.

after thinking for a while, you decided to leave it simple and start with a, 'dear mom,' you stared at your paper with a blank face while looking at the two words on it.

you spoke up in a whisper to no one in particular, "fuck it." and started writing anything that came up in your mind as you thought of your mom.

after what seemed like an eternity, you finally thought you had a decent letter. you revised it once more.

dear mom,

my life here at jujutsu tech is going very well, there have been no extreme casualties so far. im having lots of fun here and made friends too.

i know we did not leave on the best terms, although i would like to have a nice chat once more with you. just a chat to catch up, maybe with some tea.

i would like to know how you are doing too, is it okay if i come by soon? if yes, just let me know a date that works for you, i can make time on any day for you.

- y/n

you slumped over as you read the letter, it wasnt the best but you knew it was an okay letter. you decided to not break your head over it too much and call it a day, this would be your final letter.

grabbing the envelope, you neatly folded your letter in two and stuck it in. closing the envelope, you turned it around and wrote your address on the back along with your name and your moms name.

you looked at your moms name that you wrote out, 'izumi l/n'. it truly was a wonderful name. you didnt inherit your dads last name, but your moms.

remembering what your mom told you, she said it was for protection. that made you wonder, 'how good of a jujutsu sorcerer is my dad exactly if i didnt even inherit or knew his last name?'

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