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you nodded, still sitting down as you looked up at sukuna while he stared down at you.

he kneeled down, his eyes leveling with yours as he stared into your pupils, he could see your terified state and loved to see people in fear because of him.

the male stretched out his arm as he brought his hand up to your face, cupping your face with his index finger below your chin, moving your chin upwards as he examined your face intently.

"and who gave you permission to use that on me?" he said while looking right back into your eyes, his smile faltering as he got a serious expression on.

your breath hitched, this was a moment of life and death, you were completely in the dark about sukuna and his motives. you opened your mouth and tried to speak but the words never came out.

your lips were parted but all you could let out were shaky breaths as your breathing fastened under his pressure.

he could do anything he wanted, his hands were on your face and if he wanted to he could slice your face open with a simple cut, deciding your destiny and changing your entires life fate as he waited for your answer.

sukuna saw your panicked state and let out a soft chuckle in his low voice, you could feel the vibrations of his voice as they echoed through the empty metro station hallway.

inumaki was paralyzed, he wouldnt dare to move as he saw the state you were in, he realized anything he did could mean life or death for the both of you.

he continued trailing every single movement sukuna made while trying to surpress his angered emotions that were uprising as he saw sukuna touch you.

inumaki had common sense, but his entire spirit and body were fully against the fact that another man was touching you so intently, he couldnt stand it and gritted his teeth under his unzipper collar.

as sukuna got a satisfied but silent response from you he spoke up, "kidding..." he said and retracted his hand from your chin, his warmth leaving your skin immediately as you were still stunned by his sudden action.

"it saved me my own energy." he spoke up, telling you he would have healed itadori regardless. you couldnt do anything but listen to his words as you swallowed thickly, the pace of your breathing quickening as you saw sukuna walk around the room, back and forth.

inumaki scooted closer to you the second sukuna turned around as his back was facing you two, the boy was still furious as he saw how sukuna made you panic.

he simply wanted to yell out and tell sukuna to die, but the after effects of that saying would have an intense impact on himself, he couldnt do it. yet.

the king of curses turned around yet again as he saw jogo was still in his position, looking down out of fear and shame. he immediately noticed that the two of you were sitting closer.

he furrowed his brows as he saw the new scenario and quickly put the dots together, "you two are together?" he questioned as he stood still in front of you two.

inumaki nodded immediately, "tuna." he said with confidence in his voice, his eyes locking with sukunas as he marked what was his.

sukuna took a second to process to situation and then hummed, the low vibrations from his voice echoing through the half destroyed metro station.

"since you two are basically one..." he said as he shifted his eyes from inumakis to yours, taking in both your emotions.

"then i will award both of you." he said as he was standing straight in front of you two, "a piece of advice, rather." he said as he rewarded you for preserving his cursed energy.

"run as far as you can from here."

the king of curses refused to elaborate and turned around, facing the other special grade curse and altering his course of attention entirely.

inumaki and you both looked at each other and had the exact same thought process, you put your hand on his and stood up simultaneously.

as you casted your eyes back at sukuna you saw the male was distracted, you heard him mutter the words, "honor to fight with me." to jogo and deducted it would get rather heated.

now holding inumakis warm hand you felt inumaki tug on your hand, directing you to the nearest staircase as he prioritized the escape. you both knew sukuna would not wait untill you were safe and simply went his own way.

you followed his lead and followed sukunas advice, the two of you ran up the stairs, again and again it was the same scenery over and over again as you had to ascend five floors which looked identical.

barely finding out the layout and structure you struggled to find your way out as half the metro station was destroyed, several exits were blocked by the rumble.

it took quite some valuable time but you two made it to the surface, you had no time to catch your breath as you had just ascended five stairs while running around, your stamina was decreasing at a fast rate.

your heart was beating faster than before, your entire body felt hot as your veins were narrowed from your previous sprinting.

your breathing had fastened at an incredible rate, panting as you had just woken up from your unconscious state, you couldnt recover much energy from your short slumber.

as you continued running with inumaki you saw your sight getting blurry, the heavy effects of overdoing took a huge toll of you, but you could not stop now.

the two of you kept running, your legs cramped as well as the sides of your stomach, you felt your eyes tear up as the harsh wind was going into your eyes.

you shut your eyes and squinted, trying to see your way as you ran with the boy while your whole body was giving up during the process, you felt every cell of your body become heavier, especially your back after you got slammed into the wall.

you both ran for a solid five minutes, you had passed the barrier that was lifted over shibuya and continued running, passing the few skyscrapers that were still intact.

inumaki stopped first, his pace slowing down significantly as he panted loudly, he placed his hands on his knees and closed his eyes as he was trying to catch his breath.

you took this sign and also more than willingly stopped in your tracks, you instantly felt the intense impact of everything, your cursed energy was close to zero as well as your mental and physical energy.

your legs gave up the moment you stood still, you sank to your knees and rested, sitting on the hard concrete ground of an abandoned street in shibuya.

toge followed you and sat besides you, your shoulders touching as he thought you two were finally safe. your entire body hurted, you could feel your flow of blood slow down as you rested with the violet eyed boy by your side.

he gave in and rested the side of his head on your shoulder, you felt his intense warmth immediately and noticed he was also overdoing himself.

you leaned your head slowly to his side, resting your head on his as you laid your head onto his soft hair. the two of you calmed down together as you looked at the city that was half destroyed by the numerous cursed spirits that were released.

just as you caught your breath you saw something nearing you, from far within the city you saw an unusual black sphere getting bigger and bigger at an alarming rate.

it didnt seem to stop anytime soon, suddenly you heard that familiar voice that you just spoke with, his low voice echoing through the entire city.

"domain expansion: malevolent kitchen."

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