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trigger warning: slight mentions of gore

hina and kazumi both approached you with a slow pace, they stopped as they were about two meters in front of you. hina opened her mouth, "im really sorry, sweetie." she said with no emotion in her voice whatsoever.

"izumi didnt even struggle at her death though, we made sure it was quick." she tried to reassure you but basically just confessed that she was the one who did it.

she wasnt sorry at all and it showed. you looked down at the ground and felt betrayed. speaking up in a whisper, trying not to cry at the moment, "... why?"

kazumi sighed, "at least tell her before she dies." and you snapped your head up at the comment. before you had a chance to process the words that fell out of kazumis mouth, hina already spoke up.

she took her sweet time explaining, "your dad, osamu kamo, decided to marry izumi l/n." she said in a bored voice.

your brain stopped functioning as you heard your dads name. that last name, that was why you couldnt take on his last name.

you heard of that name, osamu kamo, the one who went on his own path after abandoning his clan for the love of his life. you thought it was stupid at that time, but now you came to realize it was your own dad.

osamu kamo was one of the best jujutsu sorcerers, rumor had it that he could take the head of the zenin clan and the head of the kamo clan out at the same time.

"and you know damn well how strict the kamos are about bloodlines." hina paused and looked at you for any reaction while looking you up and down.

after she didnt find anything, she continued, "your mom didnt have pure blood, and you have it too." she said and looked at you in horror.

"you two are a living sin to the kamo family." she continued and narrowed her eyes at you, she changed completely. from smiling gently at you now looking down at you in disgust.

kazumi spoke up, correcting hina, "well, its not really two since one is already dead, but sure." they said and hina snapped her head to them, hitting the back of kazumis head in the process. "not now!" she let out.

you didnt pay attention to them, you had received to much information in the past hours and couldnt keep up anymore. besides that, you realized you were part of the kamo clan.

"so that is why kamo noritoshi knew about the l/n clan during the exchange event." you mumbled to yourself. they didnt hear you as hina and kazumi were having a small discussion on their own.

which made you realize again, you had kamo blood. 'did i get their technique too?' you questioned to yourself.

but this was no momemt to try it out. you snapped out of your daze and thought about everything that went down.

breaking your close friends heart, getting a strange letter, getting told your mom was already dead for a long time, not having any reason to continue living anymore, being lied too and betrayed, figuring out who your dad was.

it angered you so much, you couldnt take it anymore. you bended down slowly through your knees and cut off the plant that was keeping you hostage with your knife.

kazumi felt their plants weaken and snapped their head back at you. hina followed kazumis motion and saw you approaching them. your mind was blank, hina couldnt read it.

kazumi took hinas silence as a hint that she couldnt read your mind and made another hand sign, the plants emerging from the ground to wrap around your wrists.

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