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trigger warning: gore

if you happen to feel uncomfortable in this topic, dont worry i will give a short summary at the end of this chapter.

inumaki had reached his full limit. he grabbed his knees and his tongue was sticking out of his mouth. with his eyes widened and his pupils dilated, he was done already.

you were still dizzy but focused your shockwave in your hand anyways. curling it in a fist. unbeknownst to the fact that inumaki had reached his limit.

jumping up while still running, you swayed your arm towards hanamis branch like eyes. right as you hit one of their eyes, you heard something snap.

it was the curses root eye and you felt like you achieved something finally in this fight. but you also heard something snap next to you.

a part of hanamis branch like eye fell to the ground and you looked back as you were falling down from your fall again. you saw the nue being pierced with one arm from the curse in front of you.

blood spattering all around, on your face and uniform. you looked with wide eyes at megumis nue. 'hanami is moving? then that means-' you wanted to look back at inumaki to see if he was okay.

but before you could even turn around, you felt something make contact with your stomach.

snapping your head forwards to look at your stomach, you were already too late. feeling a piercing pain in your stomach, you had expected the worst.

you didnt dare to look, you shut your eyes in an instant and titled your head upwards from the immense pain you felt. tears threatening to fall from your eyes but you tried your best not too.

biting your lower lip to suffice any groans of pain. you were frowning while gritting your teeth too.

after a while of standing still, you felt a liquid flowing down from your stomach to your legs. you finally got the guts to look and saw your entire lower body covered in blood.

not knowing if everything was your blood, since megumis nue had stained you too. you saw a crucial detail to figure out whose blood it actually was.

there was something grey tinted sticking out of the front of your stomach and you inspected it, not trying to vomit on the spot.

it had a tint of broken white with black streaks, just like hanami. you looked at where it came from and saw that the thing in your stomach was attached to hanami them self.

you didnt want to realize it, you widened your eyes and looked at the curse in front of you who had sticked their arm right in your body.

the warm blood of the nue was still rolling down in small streaks from your face and uniform. the special grade looked at you in surprise, "oh my, still alive?" they said and penetranted your stomach even more.

you could feel your gut and liver slightly moving in your body and it felt sickening to say to the least. there was now even more blood falling from the hole in your stomach.

not being able to take it anymore, you let out a ear piercing scream from the pain. tears now finally escaping your eyes.

the 3 who were still standing from hanami by a vast distance now realized that something was wrong, you faced hanami the way that they couldnt see what was happening. they could only see your back.

after you let out your scream, you heard footsteps rushing towards you from the back, but they were still far away.

you slumped over and held hanamis arm with both hands, all the blood loss made your strength drain greatly, you were getting more dizzy and lightheaded too.

with all your remaining strength, you tried to push the arm of the curse out of your stomach. but hanami wouldnt budge. as you felt the arm almost leave your body, you felt something shift inside of you as well.

the curse was holding onto something in your body, that meant if you managed to pull their arm out, they would take something from inside of you too. most likely an organ.

you looked up in terror at the cursed spirit as you felt hanamis grip tighten on one of your organs, but managed to hold in the urge to vomit.

you saw kamo nearing you from the side, he immediately analyzed the situation and figured you were getting held hostage.

he screamed out as be saw the sight of your stomach being penetranted. "l/n?!" megumi and inumaki had heard the scream too and wanted to help too.

kamo warned them, "dont come closer!" and without wasting a single second, he had already extended both of his arm and put them together. pointed his arms at hanami and spoke out, "convergence."

the same strong method as earlier, a streak of blood came rushing from the tips of his fingers right to hanamis lower arm.

you figured out what kamo was doing and concentrated your shockwave into your hand, the time not curling it into a fist.

right as the blood made impact with the special grades arm, you karate chopped the arm too with your shockwave. it was your last shot before you neared your limit too.

you felt a gust of wind come from where the two techniques had crashed with hanamis arm you saw it happen closely and saw that there now was a big scar on hanamis arm.

not giving the curse time to regenerate, you sticked your hand in the scar and gripped it tightly by the side. without time to waste, you ripped the lower part of hanamis arm in two.

now being finally free, hanamis hand had stopped gripping your organs tightly and you pulled the arm carefully but with ease out of your body.

you didnt want anything to do with that arm and threw it angrily over the roof towards hanami. it came in contact with hanamis face and you quicky retreated towards to where megumi and inumaki were standing.

while gripping your stomach with one arm to avoid any more blood from getting spilled, you came closer. upon closer look you saw inumaki fuming with anger.

he was gritting his teeth and there was blood spilling from his mouth from the previous time he tried to use his technique but failed.

tiny sweat drops rolled down his face and his dilated pupils were focused on hanami and hanami only.

summary: you got impaled by hanami and inumaki is now extremely mad at hanami

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