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after succesfully exorcising the curse you leaped back to inumaki, making sure he was okay. "is your throat okay?" you said to him while running to the male.

you two were happy the curse was exorcised this easily, you had observed that it may have been about a grade one curse even.

as you stood still he avoided your question, his priorites showing as he parted his lips, "you were so close..!" he said in a worried tone, his eyes darting over your face and body, checking for any injuries.

you answered him as you heard his voice wasnt as hoarse as expected, you knew he was alright by his reply and spoke up, "im fine." you said with an unfaltering smile as you held his hand into yours, telling him indirectly youre okay.

he squeezed your hand back, his warmth and touch comforting as he realized you two were on a rather dangerous mission, not knowing how many more threats would be in your way.

for now all you had to do was destroy the cursed object that was laying undefended on the floor, right next to a trampled lifeless body.

your touch lasted for a second untill you two took a fair distance from each other again, understanding the gravity of the situation as you eyed the cursed object which was on the floor, laying unbothered.

you took it upon yourself to approach the object, wary of your surroundings as inumaki stood back in case something would be in the way.

you stepped further into the long hallway while closing the distance between yourself and the cursed object. your steps echoing softly as it was the only sound that could be heard, it was awfully quiet.

he had his fingers on the zipper of his turtleneck, moving it down and looking intently as you got closer and closer. just in case something would go wrong he would be the first to see it since he had the most vision on the hallway and the corner at the moment.

with his eyebrows furrowed he suddenly hitched his breath, gasping as he saw the floor give in from below your feet.

the silence was broken by an ear piercing shattering of the numerous tiles which broke down below you, all shattering in the process as you looked down in disbelief, you saw multiple floors breaking down below you, seeing the lowest floor still intact.

you widened your eyes, not sure what was happening as you let out a small gasp, everything happened in slow motion as you looked down at the previously intact floor.

there you saw your teacher, he looked up as he saw countless of innocent civilians fall down to the lowest floor, most likely getting held hostage for gojo.

inumaki saw it all happen in slow motion, his eyes widened as his lips parted in shock, his pupils got smaller and he instantly dashed at you without thinking.

it all happened in a split second, you thought about an idea on how to stop falling down into the civilians as you were quite high up, then you heard his voice, using his cursed technique on you.

"freeze!" he said loudly, his words only directed to you, his voice amplified his words as you froze mid air, you couldnt do anything but stare below yourself as you were completely frozen in time.

he used his cursed technique right on time, the lower half of your body had already fallen down the hole as your upper body was currently still above the floor.

the white haired boy came running to you, his shoes clashing against the tiles fastly, wary that his technique might run out any time soon as he ran like he never had before, exceeding his limits.

he got down on his knees as he got close enough to you and stretched out his arm, his other arm supporting himself to make sure he wouldnt fall down the new hole himself.

he grabbed your wrist firmly while pulling you up effortlessly, putting you down on the safe floor next to him as he panted from his previous intense running, you were still frozen in place as you laid down.

the cursed technique wore off right after, you sat up on your knees, trying to overcome the shock of what just had happened as you felt two arms wrap tightly around your torso.

inumaki hugged you almost immediately, upon feeling his comforting warmth hou hugged him back in an insant.

'that was way to close.' you thought to yourself as you hugged inumaki while the two of you were sitting on the ground, both knowing you could have died after falling three floors down.

he tightened his grip on you as he pulled you closer, you could feel his chest rise and fall faster than usual as he was afraid of losing you.

you felt his heartbeat through his clothing, he was shaken up by the event and by how fast is all happened, you were as well, nevertheless you were glad it all ended in the best possible way.

you heard the distant screams of the falling civilians as you reassured inumaki you were fine, brushing your hand through his soft hair as you looked down at the hole, wondering what was happening.

worry was evident on your face, your eyebrows were furrowed as you slightly bit your lower lip. this didnt seem like a regular mission anymore.

inumaki had buried his head into your shoulder as he felt your gaze shift to the hole, he moved his head up as you spoke, "we need to go." you said almost in a whisper. understanding the gravity of the situation.

he nodded while tightening his grip on you one more time. soon you two distanced from each other and got back onto your feet, ready to leave.

you quickly managed to grab the cursed object that was still against the side of the wall and trapped it into your palm, there was no time to destroy it now, the situation had changed once again and it was too dangerous to stay.

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