61 - end of season 1

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you wanted to turn around and see who or what it was, completely forgetting about your bottle. but you didnt have the chance to do so.

the door behind you closed as you heard a loud thud, your shoulders tensed up and heard them come even closer to you in a slow pace.

all kinds of possibilities clouded your mind, it could have been an intruder, someone avenging hina or maybe worser, a curse.

being certain that it was not a teacher, since they wouldnt approach you like this and keep quiet, your held in your breath. hoping with all your might that it was not a curse.

your head hung low, not daring to look behind anymore as the tension grew thicker, some strands of hair falling in front of your face in the process of it.

gathering all your courage, you decided to turn around and see who or what had the audacity to approach you like this at two in the morning.

as you were ready to turn, you felt two arms wrap around your waist from behind, you could feel their hot breath teasingly on the back of your neck.

"boo." he said and you immediately recognized the voice and the playfulness in his tone. your face became expressionless. you really just worried for absolutely nothing just now.

your shoulders relaxed as you realized it was just inumaki, you spoke up, "i almost got a heart attack..." you said in a whisper while raising your extended hand to your face to hold your forehead in disbelief.

he was satisfied with your response and laughed at your reaction, you felt the vibrations of his voice through your back as he had still pressed himself against you.

you smiled at the action and stood straight again as he was still holding you close, his head next to yours, hovering above your shoulder.

"you would get back at me, right?" he asked carefully, finding safe words to not make it sound like an order. you remembered the moment where you two were watching the movie and you told him you would scare him back.

but you didnt, and he had scared you twice now, both tries being successful as well. you opened your mouth, "i still will." you said as a gentle smile made its way to your face.

inumaki spoke up once more, "bonito flakes." he said while slightly groaning. you were going to grab your bottle untill he opened his mouth again.

"salmon cod roe makis room?" he asked you from behind and you knew exactly what it meant in an instant. he asked you if you wanted to go back to makis dorm. you thought about it and replied, "i do rather sleep in my own bed actually." you told him honestly.

suddenly his grip on your waist tightened and you got pressed more against his chest. before you knew it, he had lifted you off your feet.

you brought both your hands to his in a reflex, letting out a confused, "huh-?" in repsonse of what was happening.

inumaki was fairly strong, he lifted you up without any trouble and walked over to your bed which was not even two steps away from your desk.

he then threw you on it, you rolled over once as you made contact with your bed, eventually laying on your back as you looked at your boyfriend with widened eyes and raised brows.

blinking twice, you were curious as what he would do. he didnt waste any time and sat on the edge of your bed and slowly laid down on it.

"me too." he spoke up, keeping his answers as short as possible. he was reffering to the fact that he preferred to sleep in his own bed too. but here he was, in your bed.

a small smile made its way on your features, you sat up on your mattress to grab the covers and lay them down on the two of you.

the fabric keeping both of you warm and comfortable as you were just wearing a red shirt with sweatpants, inumaki was wearing something similar. it would obviously get cold if you werent under the covers right now.

you turned to your side to face inumaki only to see he had already turned and was looking at you, you smiled at him and were glad you were together with him.

speaking up, you wondered how you two would leave your room next morning without getting caught, it would not be very easy to get away with it if you two were caught.

you shifted closer to him, your hand under your head on your pillow for support, "hey toge, how are we g-" you said but you didnt finish as you felt his lips crash onto yours.

it caught you off guard greatly so you widened your eyes at him, only to see him with his eyes closed. you didnt kiss back yet and you felt him smile against your lips.

you finally gave in and kissed back, moving in the same rhythm as he did. his lips were warm and comforting, not to mention how soft they were too.

with your eyes half lidded, you eventually closed them and enjoyed every second of the kiss you two exchanged. his hair tickled your forehead and you felt his hand cup your face.

it was a passionate kiss, it had everything you wanted. after some time, you both parted to bring some space between the two of you to catch your breath. you looked at him and saw that the tips of his ears, as well as his cheeks, were tinted a deep shade of pink. just like yours.

slightly panting, just like inumaki. you heard him speak up, "lets sleep first." he said with a smile on his face. still being speechless of what happened, you nodded at him and curled the corners of your mouth upwards, giving him a gentle smile.

you moved closer to him while still laying on your side, your forearms pressing softly against his upper body and your head buried in his chest.

inumaki then wrapped his arms around you and you let the warmth overtake you, it felt perfect. and so you and inumaki both closed your eyes.

right as you were about to fall asleep you heard inumaki speak up, almost in a whisper.

"goodnight y/n." he said and you wanted to reply back, but he continued, "i love you." he said calmly and in his soothing voice.

you felt the vibrations of his words through his chest as you were laying against him, a big smile grew on your face and you spoke up.

"i love you too, toge." you said and you felt him wrap your arms tighter around you. and then, you both drifted off to sleep.


the end of season 1

note: the story continues with season 2 in the same book, after the chapter note which follows by chapter 62

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