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megumi walked over to where maki and panda were talking while an exhausted nobara was laying face down on the field.

fushiguro choose too ignore his comrade who was now slowly sitting up and he stood in front of maki to tell her about her missing pupil.

"where is l/n" maki asked, getting the words out of megumis mouth. "she is sleeping with inumaki-senpai in the shade" he answered in his usual boring tone.

nobara perked up and stood now straight, listening to everything megumi had to say, but he didnt say anything after that and continued to question the gaze that maki, nobara and panda trew at him.

"is something wron-" megumi couldnt finish as he saw the three students walking past him towards the forest from the direction he came from.

megumi was the first to find you two, since he found you guys in the first place. he informed panda and nobara and they all walked towards where you were sitting with inumaki.

nobara got her phone and quickly snapped a picture of the two of you, it was such a cute moment she had to capture it, and of course for blackmail purposes.

unfortunately to her, she still had her flash on and she froze in her spot with megumi who silently scolded her "what if they woke up?" megumi whispered irritated to nobara while panda quietly snickered at the sight.

the flash made you furrow your brows a little and you burried your head further into inumakis neck, you were now slightly sitting in front of him with your back pressed against his arm, and his arm snaked a little around your waist.

a refreshing gust of wind hit the both of you and inumaki opened his eyes little by little since megumi and nobara were having a quiet quarrel on their own. he shifted a bit in his spot and shook your arm to wake you up too. it had been a long enough break after all.

you slowly opened your eyes not to long after inumaki started softly shaking you awake. you tried to hide your blush when you noticed the situation you guys were.

then you reasoned with inumaki "it is most likely that one of them took a picture or something." you told him while standing up. he nodded and added a "salmon" to your previous statement.

after you fully stood up, you reached your hand towards inumaki and he gladly accepted it. you pulled him up so the both of you were standing and ready to continue training.

megumi and nobara were still having their little argument about who knows what and panda broke it by coughing twice by letting them now it was time to stop.

they shot a glare towards panda and then noticed that you and inumaki were already awake again. maki then arrived too "lets continue training, i dont recall saying you guys deserve a break" she sighed.

you and inumaki were the first to leave the scene. you didnt notice that you guys were still holding each others hands, untill you felt something tug at your hand when you tried to leave. you blushed at the sight and quickly whispered a quiet "sorry-" while you took your hand out of his. which was only audible for the violet eyed boy.

he shook it off and flashed a soft smile to you, and continued walked with you towards the training fields. you couldve sworn you saw the tips of his ears get a little pink. but you blushed as well so what could you say.

after everyone arrived at the field, it was time to train again. you decided it would be a good start to have some hand to hand combat with nobara.

you were standing in front of her and ready to fight. you choose it would be good to be more defensive now so you held your arms in front of you in a shielding like way.

your guess was correct as you saw nobara lunge towards you and you quickly dodged her to the side to avoid her punch. you saw she left herself open when she swung her left arm towards you and kicked her in the side with your right leg.

she lost balance for a second but quickly regained it, nobara stood straight again and held her arms in front of her like you did.

this time you rushed to her and before she knew it, you were standing right behind her, ready to strike her. you were about to place your foot in front of hers and eventually make her fall over but that didnt go as planned.

before you had a chance to even place your foot on the ground in front of her, she grabbed it and pulled your leg upwards, making you fall on your back. it happened in the blink of an eye and she shifted herself while she straddled you with her thighs.

"y/n i didnt know you were that fast, but unfortunately to you i have some fast reflexes too" nobara smiled gently with amusement in her voice. you really had to get stronger, that was for sure.

you sat up and nobara reached out her hand to pull you up, when you stood up you left a dissatisfied sigh as you realized the long way you had to go to become a jujutsu sorcerer.

while you stretched, you felt someone tug on your uniform, you looked behind you and saw inumaki standing there. he was making motions while sputtering some words like 'salmon' and 'tuna tuna' between it.

after having no idea what he said, you realized he was showing you the exact moves that nobara made in your previous fight and how to counter them. he was teaching you how to have proper hand to hand combat.

you left out an excited "oh i get it now, can you teach me more?" with a small smile on your lips. and as soon as the words left your mouth, you saw him nodding.

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