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his lips brushed against yours, softly and delicately, like butterfly wings, just long enough that he could inhale your breath and feel the warmth of your skin.

he got closer and finally placed his lips gently on yours, it felt so soft that you closed your eyes at his touch. the warmth radiated off his lips onto yours, inumaki moved at the right rhythm and you kissed back almost in an instant.

you brought your hands up and placed one on his shoulder and the other hand flat on his chest. he was still cupping your face with his own hand too.

with your cheeks burning, you kept on with the kiss as it felt like heaven, it was just right and exactly what you wanted. inumaki thought so too and didnt stop either.

feeling him slightly smile in the kiss, you curled the corners of your mouth upwards as well.

the sound around you drained out, the faint dropping of the rain on the roof faded away as it was just the two of you and no one else.

inumaki moved even closer to you and you didnt mind, your forearms now pressing onto his chest. his hair tickled your forehead too.

after a while, you two simultaneously broke the kiss to catch your breath. both of you slightly panting and not saying a word.

your cheeks were a dark shade of pink and as you looked at inumaki you noticed his were a rather dark shade of red. you smiled at the sight.

inumaki opened his eyes again and looked at you, he was quite embarrassed but still glad that it happened and it showed in the way he reacted.

he smiled gently at you, with care in his eyes and then diverted his eyes to the floor besides him, you let out a soft laugh at his adorable motion and his cheeks became an even darker shade of red.

you couldnt take your eyes off him as he was still staring to the roof, he silently spoke up, "do you want to be..." he said carefully, in a whisper.

he knew he couldnt ask it in a different way, and it would be fine nonetheless since it was not an order that would activate his cursed speech.

inumaki slowly tilted his head back at you who was already looking at him, he continued, "my girlfriend?" he said in a whisper while looking into your eyes.

you felt your heart melt at his words, it was cuter than you expected it to be and you couldnt help but form a smile on your lips.

still being a little shaken from the kiss, you didnt know how to respond properly and let out a, "yes, of course." with excitement in your voice.

inumakis smile grew even bigger and leaned forward again to give you a soft kiss on your forehead. it didnt last as long as the previous kiss but you wouldnt complain.

you felt at peace again after those two horrible days, finally letting all your feelings go. suddenly you felt a wave of sleep overtake you as you remembered how much shit you went through with five hours of sleep.

inumaki noticed your shift in behavior and spoke up, "mustard leaf?" he asked concerned while looking at you. you looked back at him and reassured him.

"im fine, just a bit tired from everything that went down." you said as you got your arms above your head to slightly stretch. "and you, are you tired too?" you asked him and inhaled deeply after you were done stretching.

he opened his mouth ans spoke up, "salmon salmon." he answered and you placed both your feet on the ground after hearing that answer.

setting all your weight on your legs, you stood up straight and went to stand in front of him, extending your hand towards him.

"then we should both head to bed." you told him and he didnt mind, reaching his own hand towards yours to grab it. inumaki then stood up straight too, besides you and intertwined his fingers into yours.

you smiled at the small action and started walking towards the door from the old staircase again, luckily the rain has sufficed a little bit so it was not pouring anymore, just a few droplets.

tugging at his hand to follow you, and he did. the two of you reached the small staircase and went downstairs as quietly as possible. it didnt help much since the staircase would crack everytime you would step on a certain place.

after both of you were downstairs, you extended your free hand to grab the handle of the other door to quietly open it, it wasnt very much allowed to be on the roof of jujutsu tech anyways.

right as you opened the door, you and inumaki stepped into the hallway. everything went perfect untill you saw a shadow on the ground of someone.

inumaki noticed it too and you two tilted your heads upwards to see who belonged to the shadow. you froze in your spot and inumaki did too, he squeezed your hand a little.

it was nanami, he was standing there, looking at you two while you were holding the door of the staircase, you were pretty much busted.

he didnt have his uniform on, instead he had a black loose shirt that was accompanied by black pants. his outfit matched with his grey-ish glasses and you noticed his hair was still combed in its usual style.

not knowing what to do as he was just standing there, with his hands in his pockets, observing you two, you slowly closed the door of the staircase. the door making a loud cracking sound in the process.

then, you saw him finally move, he approached you two and you almost knew that you would have to run laps tomorrow. but he did the unexpected.

nanami passed you two without a word, then when he noticed you and inumaki didnt make a move, he spoke up, "go to your room. your own room." he said with his monotonous voice.

you and inumaki both didnt know what to do untill nanami dissappeared behind a corner. the two of you looked at each other and you whispered out, "lets go then."

inumaki agreed with you, still confused by what just happened, "salmon." he eventually spoke up with a little laugh in his tone.

he now took the lead and guided you through the many corridors all the way to your room. now standing in front of it, you got your keys to unlock it.

you opened your door and turned around to face inumaki. almost in an instant, you placed your hand on his shoulders and tip toed to match his height, you gave him a sweet, short kiss on the lips.

now standing on your feet again, you spoke up, "goodnight, toge." and gave him a small smile. he was malfunctioning at your action but quickly regained his composure again.

"goodnight, y/n." he said quickly and smiled back at you, he walked away towards his own room and you closed the door.

you inhaled deeply at what just happened and couldnt help with let out a small smile, you were finally back it your own room and could have a good nights rest.

going into the bathroom to get ready for bed and eventually laying in your bed, it felt comfortable, finally after a long tike you could properly sleep again.

laying on your back in bed, you suddenly got a random thought in your head, you knew you didnt have much of a reason to become a jujutsu sorcerer anymore since your main goal was to achieve a normal life for your mom.

but then you remembered what you wanted at the moment, it was to protect those who are dear to you. you sighed happily and it felt as if you didnt have any problems in your life anymore.

it didnt take long to fall asleep as you closed your eyes and in the blink of an eye you were already peacefully sleeping, without a single care in the world.

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