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your breathing returned to its normal pace, your brows werent furrowed anymore and your headache slowly slipped away.

the place you were in was more confortable now too, you had no idea where you were but it was warmer.

slowly the memories of the night came back to you, after escaping from sukuna you had walked into a chaos of a storm which was caused by the king of curses himself, you saw the horrible sight of inumakis arm being cut off too.

not only that but you remember the mental and physical strain the entire situation had left you, the running, stamina drain and the trauma of everything you had seen, you still remember the warmth of inumakis blood on your face.

you were looking at the back of your eyelids as you felt your consiousness come back slowly, you felt the material of the bed you were laying on, it felt softer than the pavement.

your sight was entirely dark, the sounds and rustling around you were muffled as you heard a soft beeping around you, trying to find out where it was you focused harder on your senses.

the sound became clearer, it was to your side, the side of your bed rather. as you had focused on your senses you noticed the black of your vision slowly lighten up, turning into a dark red.

bright white lights were shining onto your closed eyelids as you were laying down, you saw the faint blood from your eyelids as the light shined on them, causing the red color.

you took a deep breath, letting the fresh air fill your lungs as you felt something on your face as well, you traced the touch of the plastic and concluded it went around your nose and mouth area, covering your cheeks as well.

'an oxygen mask..?' you thought to yourself as you desperately tried to find answers to the new situation. your body was still sleeping but your mind was awake.

you wanted to open your eyes but your eyelids didnt budge, you wanted to sit up but your body didnt listen to you. 'what is going on...' you thought to yourself as you slowly felt your energy coming back to you.

feelings of confusion washed over you as you had no idea what was going on, you knew you were in a different place, it was safer here. for now.

you had to know where you were, the last thing you remember was falling asleep in the arms of a stranger as the school doctor aided you and your boyfriend.

which should mean that you were in the hospital of jujutsu tech, but you couldnt simply deduct that. you started overthinking slightly.

'what if sukuna and the cursed spirits took over?' you thought to yourself and tried to reason out the most logical responses. you were still tired and it was affecting your thought process.

'what if the enemy took me hostage and is waiting for me to wake up?' you thought and made the overthinking even worse for yourself, self sabotaging at its finest.

as you came back to your senses slowly you heard a soft rumbling besides you, someone rumaging into a closet or cabinet next to you.

with all the strength you could muster you put your energy into your eyes, squinting them as it resulted into the slightest peak from your eyelids.

blinding lights hit your iris, causing you to shut your eyes immediately again as you shifted into your sleep. unknowingly you gained the attention of the person who was rumaging through the cabinets besides you.

the muffled sounds combined with her feminine voice, creating a mix of muffled noises as you could subtly make our her words, "...already up?" she said, it sounded to you as if she was underwater.

once again you tried to open your eyes, your eyelids trembling slightly as they were hit with the white hospital lights piercing your pupils.

this time you opened your eyes more, your vision blurry as you could make out distant shapes, figured and a mix of colors.

you had opened your eyes now, still half lidded as you frowned, your eyes were adjusting to the new light. slowly but surely your sight sharpened and the room became familiar. it was the jujutsu tech infirmary.

your eyes darted over the place, scanning the room for information as you noticed you laid in the exact same bed before.

the same window was besides your bed, the sunlight shining dimly through the curtains as they were closed. the window was opened, letting a soft breeze through, the curtains swayed on the pace of the breeze and let a bit more sunlight peak from the window.

the only difference was that you had no flowers and get well soon gifts besides your nightstand, besides that everything was the exact same.

you moved your head to the side, wanting to see where the sounds came from. you felt the plastic mask over your face shift as well, the tube making a creaking noise as it moved.

there you saw the woman from before, your eyes set on the tall woman with her signature brown hair and brown eyes besides your bed with a clipping board in her hands.

her stoic expression turned into a small smile as her eyes met yours, "welcome back." she spoke in a soothing way, her voice laced with relief.

shoko turned her body to the side, away from you as she pressed a certain button to alert another doctor about your awakening.

you opened your mouth, immediately wanting to ask her questions, your mind was a mess as you remembered everything. the woman saw you open your mouth and answered before you could ask, saving you the energy.

"you have been unconscious for three days." she said as her eyes wandered to the bord she was holding, double checking the information.

you saw her eyes read the sentences on the board, her pupils moving from the left to the right as she read your symptoms and situation.

she spoke up, "coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathy, pericarditis, peripheral arterial disease, anemia and inflammation of the lungs." she listed all the terms that were relevant to you and what you had gone through while you were out.

the information went from one ear to the other, you were too mentally exhausted to process all those words and diseases.

the school doctor spoke up again, putting her clipping bord down on the night stand besides your bed, "thanks to your technique they have been taken care of faster than expected." she concluded with a faint smile on her features.

she gave you an explanation as well, "you excel in manipulating blood and a slight bit of reverse cursed technique, therefore the red blood cells..." she rambled on, her voice slowly fading into the distance.

shoko explained how every disease you had has been cleared up due to your technique and her healing process.

the female doctor got harshly interrupted as the door of the infirmary slid open, revealing a familiar taller male with slicked back black hair.

kaito spoke up almost instantly, his hand still on the door handle as he had no intention of entering the room, "you called?" he said in his stoic usual voice.

his green eyes scanned the room as he laid his eyes on you, noticing you were awake. his brows raised out of surprise as you had woken up earlier than expected.

"now both first years are consious. thats good." he spoke as he nodded, revealing crucial information to you as you heard his words, repeating them in your head.

you spoke up slowly, the mask being in the way, "both?...only two?"

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