chapter 1

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Bailey's pov

I wake up on the living room floor in my own blood again in the same place my so-called father left me after another beating. At least it wasn't that bad this time.

I slowly lift myself off the cold wooden floor and struggle up the stairs. I walk through my busted room door and put a chair up against it in case he comes back while being in the shower. I walk into my bathroom avoiding looking in the mirror knowing I won't like what I see.

I strip my clothes off and I hop in I clean myself and my hair quickly not knowing when he will be back knowing he won't like me using all his water.

I get out and hear the front door burst open. I hurry and put my clothes on.

my dad starts pounding on my door. I hurry to put on my top before I move the chair and I walk out of my room.

as soon as am out my bedroom door my father lifts his right hand with a clear vodka bottle in it and hits me around the back of my head with it.

I fall to the floor clutching my head with crimson-colored liquid dripping from it.

"pack your shit bitch where moving thanks to that fuck up you made" he spits at me.

Let me fill you on what he means I got partnered with some kid for a project for school and he thought I had made a friend witch is against his rules you see I can't have any friends in case they find out what happened behind closed doors.

I hurry up off the floor and go into my room I pack up my other top and my other pair of jeans and my school bag with a thin blanket in a box.

then I start packing up the rest of the house being used to this now every time someone gets suspicious of what my dad does we move and somehow it is always my fault I mean if he didn't beat me we won't have this problem now, would we?

I finish packing up and put everything in the truck when am done my dad walks out of the house and walks past me to get to the driver's side but not before slamming me into the car door.

I get in the back and lie down letting sleep take over me waiting to wake up in a new town.

Leon's pov

I wake up next to one of my sluts Samantha I can't stand her usually but she's a good fuck and the rest of the bitchs I sleep with were busy.

Samantha is a blonde head bimbo with a cake face honestly the only time she looks decent is when she is on her knees with my dick in her mouth and she can't talk and squeal like a pig with that high pit annoying voice of hers.

I go to wake her up and throw her out wondering why the fuck she is still here but my phone rings I look at the caller id to see it's my best friend and second in commander brody I quickly answer the phone to see why he is calling me.


"what" I growl through the phone how dare he disturbs my beauty sleep.

"boss we have a problem"

"well what is it "

"caught the mole but we can't get a word out of him and says he will only speak to you"

"ah fine I will be there in an hour make sure everything is ready when I get there"

"yes boss"

I put the phone down and go to stand up but the next thing I know is Samantha is on top of me straddling my hips.

"baby" she purred in a disgusting voice while dragging her fingers up and down my abs "what are you doing I thought you would want to stay and play a little" she winked ew.

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