chapter 13

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Leons pov

I was sat in a meeting with a possible client when I got a call from Anna's school telling me to come to pick her up.

When I got to the school I saw anna sat in the office I shoot my head and went into the head office, I sat in the seat in front of the head he gave me a tight smile and told me what happened.

When I got out of his office I walked over to my car anna following behind me looking proud of herself.

We sat in the car and drove for a bit in silence until I decide to ask her what happened and she gave me some bullshit excuse but I don't care am not dealing with her at the moment I have a more impotent thing to do.

Once I dropped her off I sped down the road to try and make the end of my meeting with a possible new investor.

When I got to my building I rushed you to the top floor to see everyone is still in the I straighten myself out and walk-in.

I sit down at my seat at the head of the table.

"so gentleman what did I miss"

They fille me in on the edition on how they were not going to invest because they thought my priorities lie else were because I left halfway through h a meeting.

I try to explain but it was no use they left.

Am fuming with anna if she didn't pull that stunt then I won't of lost one of the most important investments.

When I got home I flung the door open and walked to the kitchen both of the girls were sat on the couch I ignored the stare and walk to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of whiskey and went to my home office.

I poured myself a glass of whiskey and allowed in my own self-pity which hasn't done in a while.

baileys pov

When Leon came in he ignored me and anna went into the kitchen and when he came out he had a bottle of whiskey with him and went straight upstairs.

I and anna looked at each other and shrugged it off and continued to watch our movie.

a few hours later

It was getting late and we haven't heard from Leon all night I went up stair earlier and told him dinner was ready but he just shooed me away.

Now, all we can hear is banging and crashing up the stair and it is really starting to scare me I have never seen him like this.

I walk back up the stairs and I shakily knock on his office door the crashing stops and the door opens to show a Leon.

His white collared shirt was now crinkled and the collar was half up half down his breath reeked of alcohol.

When I met his eye they were filled with lust and hunger I backed away from the door but he grabbed my hand he pulled me into his office slamming the door and pinning me to the wall.

He goes to kiss me but I move my head to the side so I am looking at the wall.

Tears are threatening to spill from my eyes but I fight them back as Leon puts his head in the crook of my neck and sucks on my skin.

"L-Leon what are you doing"

"ssshhh flower enjoy it we haven't had fun in a while"

"Leon stop your drink" I try to push him away but he just puts his body weight on me.

"please" he let me go and backs away but he looks even more pissed off them before.

"fuck your such a buzz kill you know that get out"

"am sorry-" he cut me off mt throwing a glass next to my head it shatters and the pieces land on the floor.

"GET OUT" he road I didn't look back I ran out of the room crying and went to found anna.

I stayed in Anna's room with her again tonight we watched movies and laughed we heard a few more things break here and there but am guessing after a while he passed out.

701 words

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