chapter 15

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Trigger warning mentions of sexual assault are in this chapter.

Leons pov

once I saw those photos and I lost it I got up from my desk and I stormed out of my office and down the parking lot.

When I reach my car I yanked the car door open and got in the driver's seat I held onto the steering wheel so tight my knuckles turned white.

When I got to the house I nearly forgot to turn my car off I was so angry I walk up the porch and flung the front door open.

I see bailey and anna on the couch giggling they look up and go back to what they were doing I storm over to the couch and I pick bailey up by the collar of her shirt with the picture still in my other hand.

Her eyes widen and she trembled under my grip.

Baileys pov

I trembled under him as she held me by my collar anna was sat on the couch in shock when Leon let me go and started to shout at me in my face.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE THESE" I screamed waving some paper around.

He threw them on the coffee table anna was the first to look at them and when he did her face drained from its color.

I make my way over to anna and she looked up at me sadly and hands me the pictures she stood up from the couch.

"I will give you guys some space" and with that, she walks out of the front door.

I look at the pictures in my hands and my heart-shattered tears ran down my face the pictures were from the day in the classroom of me and matt.

lookup at Leon "Leon is not what it looks like-"

I was cut off when Leon grabbed me by the throat and slammed me into the wall behind me.

"not what it looks like than what is it because to me it looks like you have some else dick in your mouth"

He tightens his grip around my neck and I start clawing at his hands in the hope he will let go.

"FUCK I never knew you of all people were such a slut" he dropped me to the floor I gasp for air he walks a few steps away from me.

"Is this why you won't fuck me because you got some other dude on the side"

"no" I cry "that's not why"

"your dad was right you just a whore who ant keep her legs shut "

He came over and picked me up once again by the collar of my shirt and punch me in the nose and the stomach.

he dropped me back on the floor and started to undo his belt "I have always wanted to know what your mouth would feel wrapped around my dick and I guess and about to find out".

I look at him in shock tears streaming my face I stand up and I make a run for the front door only to be stoped by a first colliding with my face I fell and she grabbed me by my ankle.

"aw trying yo escape are we you're not leaving until you have done what you did with him with me and then maybe if your lucky I will make your death just a little bit less painful".

He dragged me upstairs by my ankles and dumped me on the floor he went into the closet and I grabbed a lamp "am going to enjoy this flower" he sat walking out of the closet with a pair of a handcuff.

I waste no time in hitting him over the head with the lamp and I run the bedroom door and unlock it I run down the stairs tears still falling.

I run out the front door and when I do I see anna walking up the road I ignore her calls and I keep running

After running for a while my legs get tired and I sit on the side of the road for awhile out of nowhere a black ven come speeding past and it stops in front of me before I can react 3 people jump put one grab a hold of me and I kick and scream.

another one comes up with a rag and holds it to my face I try to hold my breath for as long as I can but that wasn't very long.

"ssshh baby girl just breath" one muttered as I fell unconscious.

Annas pov

When I saw those photos of bailey in that classroom I was heartbroken but I thought it would be best if I gave bailey and Leon some space while bailey told Leon what happened so I went to a little cafe down the street.

When I was walking back up the road home I passed a crying bailey with blood running down her face I shouted for her but in the end, I ran home and looked at the mess.

I found Leon on his bedroom floor sitting up rubbing the back of his head "what the fuck happened here" I shouted at him.

he told me what he did and I was so mad I started hitting and punching him in the chest it didn't do much damage.

"Why the fuck would you do that"

"because she is a cheating slut you saw the pictures"

"no she not she was fucking assaulted you dipshit she didn't want that and this is why she didn't tell you when or what happened"

Leons pov

when anna told me what happened my face fell I could believe what I was hearing she told me everything from the moment bailey said she was going to the bathroom and when she told anna what happened.

This is why she was the distance for while omg am a horrible person.

When anna was done telling me what had happened we drove around the street for a while looking for bailey so I could apologize in the hope she would come back.

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