chapter 23

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Leons pov

I walked out of the bathroom leaving that worthless bitch on the bathroom floor crying in her own blood.

I walk back over to the table my sister and parents are sat out and make some bullshit excuse up on why I have to leave and walk out of the restaurant and got into my car and drove home.

I slam my front door in frustration and rage and storm into my office, going straight to my liquor cabinet to pull out a bottle of whisky and sit in my desk chair.

To forget what I just did, I chug it down from the bottle. I could have won her back if I hadn't done that, I could have gained her trust, but no, I had to fuck things up and make them worse.

The rest of the night, I drink and struggle to think of a way to get my flower back.

baileys pov

A smile spreads across my face at the sight I see before me - Anna has her hand on my waist with her head resting on my stomach and her hair in every direction.

As we stay like this for a while, I slide out from under Anna and get to the kitchen to make everyone breakfast.

annas pov

After brushing my hair out of my face and looking in the bed, I expect Bailey to be there, but she is not there.

Getting out of bed and walking downstairs as I got closer to the bottom I could hear music playing from the kitchen.

I pocked my head around the corner to the sight of bailey standing over the stove dancing in joggers and my t-shirt making breakfast.

I stand in the doorway for a few seconds before making my way over to her and snake my arms around her waist.

she jumped a little ad looked at me with a soft smile witch I return I moved some of her hair out of the way and plant a kiss on her neck.

as I pulled away I felt a sticky substance on my lips and I walked over to the mirror and see that they are covered in foundation.

I look back at Bailey's nack and notice a purple mark where I had kissed I go over and turn her to face me she looked shocked until she saw what I was looking at and the realization had kicked in. 

Baileys pov

I didn't notice anna had come downstairs until she had her arms around my waist and kissed my neck.

she stops planting kisses on my neck and untangled herself from my waist and walk away I didn't think much of it until I suddenly turned to face Anna and she was looking instantly at my neck.

I could figure out what she was looking at until  I remember what had happened last night the foundation must have come off on her lips when she kissed me.

she turned around still lent against the counter she put her head in her hands and ran them through her hair and took a deep breath.

"bailey I want you to be honest with me what is that on your neck" she was calm and looked me in the eye when she spoke.

I hesitated at first and stumbled over my words but soon enough I told her everything that Leon did and said she stood shocked at first but slowly pulled me into a hug. 

a few hours later.....

anna and I told her parent what had happened and they told us not to worry and that they were going to deal with him.

we are now sat on the couch watching movies when Anna's phone started to ring anna left the room for a few minutes and came back with tears streaming her face and choking back sobs.

I jumped to my feet and led her back to the couch and whispered sweet nothing into her ear until she claimed down. when she calmed down I asked her what had happened she straightened herself out and told me her parent had called they were at the hospital with her brother he was in a car accident and died on impact.

they said a black SUV had hit his car on the way to meet his parent they think it was a rival gang or someone looking for revenge she told me.

I was shocked but relieved at the same time I know it's harsh but I can but help to feel like am free from him now I know he can never get to us again.

I am sorry but this is the end of my stories let me know if you want a sequel of something am sorry I ended it so soon but I can't think of anything else to up in the story very sorry but I thank you all for reading my stories 

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