chapter 3

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Baileys pov

am sitting in my homeroom just staring out of the window when I feel someone tap my shoulder I turn around to see a tall girl with a sort of brown hair.

"hi can sit here" she pointed to the seat next to me. why the fuck is she asking me.

I nod and she sits down "so you're the new girl"

I just look at her blankly and go back to looking out the window until she taps my shoulder again I turn to look at her once more and shrug my shoulders.

I will take that as a yes you are the new girl then there is no need to be rude you know am just trying to be nice"

I pull my notebook out of my bag and a pen and a scribble down 'sorry' and hand it to her.

"it's fine I shouldn't have snapped at you am anna by the way and you are"

write my name on another piece of paper and handed it to her she looks at it and smiles

"omg I love your name"

I give her a lop-sided smile and the bell went I pack up my stuff as quick as I can and run out of the room before she can say another word and I head to English.

once I reach the English room I sit at the back again when am sat down I see ana come through the door and smile when she sees me.

is she following me or something?

she sits next to me once again and I give her a questionable look then go back to get my notebook and pen I put them on my desk.

"so I was going to ask this before you ran away I was wondering if you wanted to have lunch with me and my friends"

"Is this some kind of prank?" I write on a piece of paper and give it to her.

she looks at it and her face drops "what no this isn't a joke why would you think that"

I shrug my shoulder for like the hundredth time today.

"I just thought since you knew you would need a friend that's all so you want to sit with use"

I nod my head yes and she jumps out of her chair and wraps her arms around me she soon let's go and sits back in her chair.

I smile at her and she smiles back but her fave drops once more and I write another note asking what is up and pass it to her.

"What happened to your face"

and that when I remember the bruises normally no one notices them or they do and that just doesn't give to shit to ask what happened.

'nothing' i write in my notebook and hand it to her she gives me a wary smile I knew she doesn't believe me but chose not to say anything we sit in the rest of the lesson making jokes and giggling with each other.


it turns out I and anna have all the same classes ant way right now we are headed to lunch we sit at a table with another girl.

"bailey this is Emma and Emma this is bailey this is the new girl I said she could sit with us"

"nic to meet you bailey," Emma says with a smile I smile back and sit down at the table to girl go off and get their food and I just sit playing with my hands waiting for them to come back.

when they came back they sat down and frowned at me I gave them a confused look.

"Why didn't you get any food" anna said with a frown

I pulled out my notebook and wrote down that I wasn't hungry they both gave me a sad ook but didn't ask questions.

we sat and talked all lunch it was kind of refreshing to have someone to sit with for once instead of sitting alone.

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