chapter 8

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Warning in advance there is sexual content at the end of the chapter get the holy water ready.

baileys pov

I wake up in the hospital room alone I look around and I see a note taped to the chair Leon's was sat on.

' Bailey I have to drop anna off school and then I will come to pick you up and bring you home I left clothes on the end of the bed for you I should be there around 10 see you soon flower.'

I cant but blush at the nickname I look at the time and it 9.30 at the end of the bed I see a pair of jeans with a jumper.

I slide off of the bad and walk into the bathroom and turn on the shower and wash when I get out I see there is a hairbrush on the side and I use it to brush my hair I change into the clothes that were left out for me and I go back into the room and see Leon sat in the hospital seat on his phone.

I sneak up and shout "BOO".

Oh shit he looked at me in shock and I just stood there why the fuck did I do that;

Leons pov

I woke up this morning with anna telling me we had to go back to the house so she could get to school.

So I left a note for bailey if she wakes up we drove to the house and she got to change and grabbed a quick breakfast I dropped her od at school and went back to the hospital.

I am now sat waiting for bailey to get out of the shower I didn't even notice the door open until I heard her shout.

I look at her in shock but also in awe he voice is beautiful it sounds like an angel.

I stand up and walk over to her and pull her into a hug she stands there in shock and doesn't move I choose not to bring this up yet.

I let go of her and step back "are you ready to go I signed you out"

She nods and we walk out to my car I stop by a diner and we go inside we sit in a booth.

I look at bailey blankly and ask "bailey how come you told me you can't talk"

She looks up with sadness in her eyes and takes a deep breath.

"I-I I never said I can't talk I said I was mute and I only said that because he said that I wasn't alone to talk to people and believe me when he saw you drop me off when we met I got in so much trouble I didn't want to break this rule too"

She has tears in her eyes and the waitress comes over she wiped them away quickly and hid behind her hair again.

"hi what and I get you guys," she asks while pushing her boobs in my face

I look her in the eyes when I speak and say "I will have a coke and my girlfriend will have" I say and look at bailey she looks up in shock and stutters out.

"s-s-strawberry milkshake please" she whisperted

The waitress stomped off to the counter and bailey looked up at me through her hair

"Why did you do that"

"do what," I ask

"Why did you call me your girlfriend," she asked with blush-tinted cheeks.

"because I wanted to," I say bluntly

I different waitress comes over and puts our drinks on the table and takes our order.

1 hour later

we walk through the front door laugh and sit on the couch.

"Wanna watch a movie"

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