chapter 18

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trigger warning suicide is I this chaper

Leons pov

It's been 2 and a half weeks and there are still no sights of bailey other than some stupid photos anna come round to check up to see if we have found bailey yet but other than that she refuses to talk to me.

I haven't slept much since she went missing and I drink a lot to numb the pain.

I was pulled out of my thought when anna ran into my office with a smile on her face.

"Leon you have to see this2

She grabbed my hand and dragged me don't the stairs "look" she pointe to the tv and unpaused it.

TV the news

"Bailey smith was found 3 days ago in a secluded house in the woods by the authorities on Monday morning we have suspects in custody and there will further investigation as to what happened.

Bailey Smith is currently in the hospital with broken ribs, internal bleeding, a broken leg, and other injuries when she arrived at the hospital she was unconscious and in critical condition.

She is currently conscious but there are concerns for her mental well being comes back for more of the stories after the break.

"What am I still standing here for come on"

Anna dragged me outside to the car and we raced to the hospital when we got to the hospital I ran to the front desk pushing over someone in a red hoodie with their hood up over "move bitch" I growled.

It didn't get us anywhere quicker tho because the woman behind the desk rushed over to the person in the red hoodie and helped them up and walked them out.

When she came back she glared at up anna was the first to speak up.

"Hi, we're looking for a bailey smith".

The desk lady looked at us up and down and said "bailey smith just left in fact she was the one you shoved into the wall over there" the woman said smugly.

I look at her in shock "fuck" anna punch me in the shoulder "why do you have to be such a dick" and walked off back to the car.

I sat in the driver's seat next to her "look I know am I dick I didn't know that was bailey

"yah well you shouldn't have done it either way" she crossed her arms and looked out the window.

"look am sorry ok I fucked up but right now we need to find bailey"

"fine let go check the old house she might of went there"

Baileys pov

I woke up in the hospital a day ago it turns out all the shouting down the stairs was the police the attested matt, Samantha, roger, and Oliver and I gave my statement to the police a few hours after I woke up.

I discharge myself a few minutes ago and the nurses were nice enough and brought me some comfortable clothes which I could be more grateful for.

It was some underwear and sweat pants with a red hoodie I put them on and made my way down the hospital corridor on my crutches until I was solved ing to a wall and called a bitch real nice.

Ruth the woman from behind the desk ran around the desk and help me up from the floor "are you ok sweetie" she asked me I gave her a small smile and nodded.

She walked me to the front doors and helped me in the taxi and told me to get home safely.

I told the taxi the address and he drove me to my old house the grass was overgrown the front living room window was broken I got out of the taxi and walked up the drive.

I sighed and grabbed the spare key under the ragged doormat I unlocked the door and walked in I locked the door behind me

I walked upstairs to the bathroom I locked the door and stripped my clothing I turned the water on and sat on the shower floor.

Tears flooded my eyes and fell down my cheek I wrapped my arms around my legs and I cried.

I cried for the death of my mum.

I cried for what my dad did to me.

I cried for what happened in the classroom I should have fought more I should have screamed louder I should have done something and maybe it would have happened and maybe I wouldn't be sat on my shower floor crying about it I could have been sat on the couch with Leon and anna.

I look up and the cupboard under the sink I step out of the shower and I open the cupboard and I grabbed an old blade and shut the cupboard doors and sit back on the shower floor.

I sit looking at the blade for a while is this what I want of course it is without me the world would be a better place.

I drag the blade from my elbow down to my wrist and watched as the blood poured out I struggled to do my author's arm but I pulled it off.

I dropped the blade to the floor I heard a banging noise but I ignored it I had a smile on my face I can finally be happy and with that, the world went black.

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