chapter 6

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Leons pov

As soon as anna told me why she was crying we both raced outside to my car.

I was fuming why the fuck is bailey in a basement bleeding who the fuck would hurt someone so precious as her.

I know I haven't known her that long but I can't help but feel like I have known her all my life.

we pull up to Bailey's house and I don't even bother turning off my engine I and anna race up the driveway and try to open the door but it's locked.

I move anna away from the door and ram into it so it opens when it does we run to the basement and see daily in a pool of blood and nearly breathing.

at that moment my heart stopped and time stood still

I was knocked out of my thought by annas screams I run over to bailey and pick her up I lie here on the back seats of my car.

we drive to the hospital and I ignore all the horns hiking at us as we went through the red lights I just keep on driving.

I stop outside the hospital I pick bailey up and a run-in with her limp body in my arms I run around frantically shouting for help.

some doctor and nurse come over with a stretcher and I place her on it and they roll her away I and anna sit in the hospital seat.

I sit with my head in my hand this is all my fault if I hadn't left when I felt something was wrong then non of this would have happened.

I can't lose her for many reasons and nor can anna I have seen a lot of pain and suffering in my life and never had imaging it to feel like this.

It feels like someone put a knife in my heart and twisted it.

After a few hours of being at the hospital and anna has fallen asleep on my lap while crying.

a doctor comes into the waiting room and shouts Bailey's name I shoot up and anna falls off my lap in the process I help her up and we walk over to the doctor.

"Ah you must be baileys" he pauses for a second and I answer for him

"boyfriend and this is her friend" I point to my sister.

"right well she has had major blood loss and trauma to the head also some broken ribs but am more concerned about the other injury they are old but they are not held properly do you happen to know how this happened"

"no, but can we see her," I ask with a little bit of hope in my voice.

"yes she up the hall 3rd door on the right" he points out

just before I could run up the hall I was stoped when anna grabbed my arm she gave me a concerned look and looked me up and down I gave her a puzzled looked.

"what" I sat with anyone

"um you might want to go home and change before you go in there"

I look myself up and down in all this commotion  and worries didn't realize I was socked in baileys blood I nod to her

"I will have someone bring me some clothes  and I will use the shower here am sure there is one in the room bailey is in"

anna nods and we walk up to Bailey's room I take a deep breath before I open the door and the scene behind it was heartbreaking.

Bailey's lifeless body lying in a bed with tubes coming out of her left and right anna rushes over to the crying.

I leave the room for a minute I compose myself before I ask brody to bring me some clothes and bring them here.

I go back into the room to see anna asleep on one of the chairs in the hospital room I walk to the front desk and ask for a spear blanket with they gladly hand me and I go back and drape it over anna and while am at it I pull up bailey blanket so she isn't clod either.

10 minutes later brody brings me some spare clothes and I fill him in on the situation here and ask him to deal with everything at the warehouse for a few days witch thankfully he said he will.

I used the shower in Bailey's room the wash all the blood off me and just bin the suit I had on and change it to the sweats that brody dropped off.

I sit in the opposite seat from anna and drift off to sleep holding Bailey's hand.

2 days later

fuck it's been 2 days and my beautiful flower still hasn't woken up fuck.

anna went to get us some food awhile ago I haven't left this room other than to take a few phone calls and that it.

but this hospital room has gotten real boring real quick.

ii am pulled out of my thoughts when I see bailey shot up in the bed and start trying to pull out the tube that was helping her breathe.

I leave the room and go and find a doctor and quickly I pulled the first one I seen into the room and he pushed me out of the room and called some nurses in to help.

Baileys pov


what is beeping I don't have an alarm clock and that's when all the memories of what happened to start flooding back

I shoot up and start to chock on the clear tube down my throat I try to pull it out but just end up in a coughing fit.

doctors and nurses start rushing in but I fight against them I don't know why I just did

one pulled out a needle and inject something into my right area and I started to feel drowsy and drift off to a peace full sleep.

Leons pov

anna came back with some food awhile ago we wait on the seats outside of Bailey's room waiting for an update.

the doctors come out and told up what happens and explained that they had to inject bailey with a sedative to calm her down and that she is fine but sleeping.

we go back to her room and sit in the seats and talk and eat the food anna bought back and wait for bailey to wake up.

1090 words

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