chapter 4

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Baileys pov

I slowly open my eyes and lift my head and look around I don't see my father but I see he left his dishes on the box I slowly get up groaning in pain.

I look out the front window and I don't see my dad's car I turn to look at the clock it's 1 am.

shit, how long have I been out for I think?

I slowly walk up the stair due to the condition of my back.

I get in the bathroom and I lock the door in case he comes back.

I look in the mirror and examine my back the words worthless are carved into it.

I go under the bathroom sink and I grab the alcohol wipes and clean to wounds that I could reach up.

ones am done with that I go back down the stairs and I see my shirt in a pool of my blood and ripped.

great, I guess, and down to one shirt now.

I pick it up and put it in the bin and I go to pick up his dishes I wash them and put them away.

then I go down the stairs I put on the shirt I have left and try to get as much sleep as I can.

a few hours later

I hear the front door burst open and a thud I struggle to get up because of my back but when I do I go up the basement stairs the funded my dad lying on the floor in his own puke.

he stands up and scowls at me walking past me to the stairs going up the stair and turning to shower on.

I got to the kitchen and sneak an apple downstairs in my school bag before I start to make his breakfast.

I finish his breakfast and I put it on the cardboard box and go down the stair I go over to the vent and pull out my phone.

it's not the best phone but it gets the job done I I took some money from my dad's pants and wallet a few times a month so I could get it to incase things get even worse than they are now.

I open the phone and see I have to message  1 from anna and the other from Leon.

Leon-hey its Leon

well, no shit I think I open annas message it it was just her asking about homework or some shit witch I couldn't do.

the next thing I know the basement door is bust open and I see my father coming down the stairs.

I quickly put the phone back in the vents and move away from it.

He walks up to me and slaps me in the face

"you bitch where is my beer"

he throws me to the grounded and started to kick me once again in the stomach I curl up in a ball to try and stop as much damage as I can.

"you good for nothing bitch you can't do anything right"

he pulls out a pocket knife and stabbed it in my leg he walked back up the stairs and out of the house and left me on the floor with a pocket knife in my leg.

I pull the knife out of my leg and scream in pain and I slowly drag myself up the stair to the bathroom.

I slowly pour disinfectant on it and groan in pain.

I guess I won't be going to school today I say to myself.

I hobble down the stair to the basement once again and huddle up in the corner and drift off the sleep.

Annas pov

I walk into homeroom expecting to see bailey but no such luck I brush it off tho she might be late or something.

at the end of homeroom, I start to realize she must not becoming in but who misses there the second day at a new school.

hours later

It the end of the day and I see my brother outside the front of his car leaning against it I see him and start walking over him when he sees me he gives me a weird look,

"where bailey," he asked

" she wasn't in today I gotta be honest it was kinda boring with just me and Emma there "

I say picking past him to get in the car.

Leons pov

I am outside my sister's school again waiting for her to come out and I see she doesn't have bailey with her I give her a puzzled look and she informs me that bailey wasn't in.

who misses their second day at a new school.

I get in the car and decide to go to her house to see what up.

20 minutes later.

I pull up in front of her house and I see a large truck parked on the drive.

"what are we doing here," anna ask

"don't you want to see if your friends ok"

she smiles and gets out of the car and so do I we walk up the drive and knock on the door.

no answer we knock again and a tall man opens the door with a disgusting look on his face.

"can I help you," he says through gritted teeth.

"yes actually we're looking for bailey is she here," anna says trying to look past the man am guessing is Bailey's dad.

he blocks her view "well she not here right now" and with that, he slams the door.

Baileys pov

am sitting in the basement under the stairs on my phone just messing around with it when I hear the doorbell go.

I put my phone back in the vent and sit at the top of the stairs and listen to the conversation my dad is having with 2 people I recognize their voice it Leon and anna but why the fuck are they here.

I hear my dad slam and smashing and banging upstairs I go to the bottom of the stair and hide under the stairs.

I see his choice on the stair he makes it to the bottom of the stairs and I close my eyes and hope he will just leave me alone.

that was until he grabs my ankle and ripped me out from under the stair.

"you bitch who were those people at my door" he screamed in my face.

I cower into myself and shake in fear. he slaps my "answer me you bitch" he roared

"fine have it your way"

he walked away up the stairs and came back again with a knife with a sinister look on his face he walks over me and stabs the knife through my stomach fall back on my back and screen in pain from my back and because there's a knife in my stomach.

he lifts my head and slammed it on the concrete floor is the last moment I see feet coming towards me and my blackout.

1174 words

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