chapter 2

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Leons pov

My alarm wakes me up at 4 am and reluctantly gets out of bed I check my phone to see a message from Jace my PI informing me that he left bailey files on my desk I put my phone down and get ready for the day.

I get in to shower wash up and brush my teeth I walk into my walking-in closet and put on a suit.

I walk down the stairs and grab a piece of toast and head to my office excited to find out more about bailey.

it took me about 20 minutes to get to the office I walk in the front doors and immediately see my secretary push her tits and unbutton the top 2 buttons of her shirt in an attempt to seduce me ew.

jokes on her I don't sleep with my employees a specially the sluts.

I walk through my office door and I sit at my desk in front of me is baileys file I start to fight with my self should I or should I read it and find her and get to know her normally instead of reading her file and invading her private life.

I fight with myself for another 5 minutes until I decide to read it what she doesn't know won't hurt right.

Name-Bailey smith


Parents- Karen smith and jerry smith

Info- Karen smith passed when bailey was 6 years old they moved a lot she stars east western high today.

(IDK how to make a file thing)

East western high that the same high school my sister goes to she still lives with our parents I moved out when I took over the family business I still see her a lot.

"Rachel" I call through the intercom

"move all the meetings I have this week"

I shall be seeing you soon bailey smith

Baileys pov


the basement door flies open waking me up I sit up quickly and cower into the corner.

he comes closer and closer to me until he has gripped a handful of my hair and dragged me over to the stairs and smashed my head off the bottom step of the stairs and kicked me in the ribs.

"get up you ungrateful bitch and make me breakfast before I go to work"

he stomps back up the stairs and slams the door shut leaving me clutching my chest at the bottom of the basement stairs.

I slowly lift myself off the floor and go up the stairs to start his breakfast while he sits in the living room smoking some weed and snorting cocaine from the cardboard box we use as I coffee table.

once am finished making his breakfast I put it in front of him on the box with a beer as usual and run down to the basement to get my other change of clothes and run up the stair to take shower while he is distracted by his for not that and allowed to take a shower over 5 minutes because as he always says he doesn't want to waste any more money or water on me than he has to.

I reach the bathroom and to my surprise, there is a lock on the door so I don't have to block the door with an old lawn chair I lock the door and take my shower.

once am done I change and pick up my clothes from before and I go down the stairs and put them in the washer and turn them on and I run back up the stair to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

when I reach the bathroom I start to brush my teeth I can't help but catch a glimmer of myself in the mirror.

I have a bruise on my right temple, a black eye, and scars from head to toe self-inflicted ones and ones made by my dad and mum.

I miss her some time at least when she was around I would have the bare essences like a warm blanket and the beating wasn't as bad when she was here not that she cared he beat me.

they both say I ruined their life and was a mistake which I don't doubt.

I finish brushing my teeth and I go down the stairs to the basement and grab the old tattered backpack I have had for years now and go back up the stairs to try and leave the house as soon as possible.

but as soon as I got one foot out the door I have pulled right back in again and slam agast the wall so I was facing my dad with his rotten breath flowing throw my nose.

"'im dropping you off today get in the truck we need to talk"

I get in the truck and wait for him to get in when he does he slams the door shut and starts the car and we start driving to my new school.

we stop out sid of the school and I pick my bag up when he grabs my face to make me look him in the eyes.

"Remember the rule you stupid cow don't talk to anyone don't even look at anyone or it will be much worse than last time you hear me"

I shook my head frantically and he let go of my face I get out of the car as quick as I can and hurry off to found the office.

I walk up to the lady at the front desk and pull a notebook out of my bag and a pen and write down my name and how am a mute and I need my timetable and locker number.

witch she happily gave me I walk up the corridors to look for my homeroom since I don't really have anything to put in my locker.

once I fined it I sit at the back in the corner so I can daydream while looking out of it I was broken from my through and the bell rang.

people start filling up the classroom.

1048 words

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