chapter 7

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Baileys pov


I groan and try to move my hand to my head I have a killer headache and that beeping isn't making it any.

I try and move my hand again but something is weighing it down I groan again and reluctantly open my eyes.

I look at my hand to see someone holding it and I pull it away quickly and look up at who was holding it.

I look in the chair to my right and see Leon sat there and anna in the other I rub my face and slowly sit up.

I see a door in the corner of the room witch am guessing is the bathroom I struggle to get up and I limp over to the bathroom and lock the door.

once I was done I washed my hand and I looked in the mirror o look like I have been dragged through a bush backward.

I have bags under my eyes bugger than usual and my hair is knitted together.

am pulled it off my thoughts when someone knocks on the door.

"bailey are you in there"

I open the door and walk past on the bed and sit on it with my legs crossed snd I play with my fingers using my hair to shailed my face.

Loen's pov

my hand feels empty I peel my eyes open and see that bailey is no longer in the hospital bed and I started to panic where the fuck is she.

I go over to anna and shake her awake.

"Leave me alone will you" she groaned

"baileys not in the bed"

she lifted her head a little bit and look and then closed her eyes again and put her head back where it was.

"you dipshit she probably went to the bathroom"

I give her a small nod she is probably right I walk over to the door and knock on the door and knock on it.

"bailey are you in there," I say softly

she opens the door seconds later and walks past me to the bad where she sat with her legs crossed and her hair covering her face.

I walk over to the bed and I grabbed her chin gently to make her look at me I push her hair out her face with my other hand and she looks at me with a twinkle in her eyes.

god, she beautiful and especially with that Rosie tint on her cheeks.

we stare into the eyes of each other unit anna squealed and jumped on bailey.

"omg your ok you won't believe how worried we were"

she gets off bailey and sits in her seat and I do the same we sit for a minute until I decide to break the silence.

"bailey can I ask you what happened"

she looked at me hesitantly and nodded and motioned with her hand she needs something to write with.

luckily I was papered for this and I grab a green note pad of the side with a pen and hand it to her.

she takes her pen and the pad and smiles at me and starts to write something down.

Baileys pov

when Leon grabbed my chin immediately felt butterflies in my stomach and a blush crept up on my cheeks but that all disappeared when he asked what happened the other night.

when he handed me the notepad I wrote down that we were being robbed and that I got in the way so they stabbed me I handed him the note pad and he looks at me again and handed it back and shook his head.

I handed the notepad to anna so she could have look at it too and when she was done reading she gave me a sad look Leon then motions to her and she walks over to the door

"ill is back in a bit am going to get us all food" and with that, she was gone.

Leon got on the bed and sat next to me and wrapped his arm around me.

"look bailey I know we haven't known each other long but you can trust us I promise whatever is going on we can help"

I look Leon in the eyes and I know he is telling the truth I broke down in tears and he just hugged me more.

after a while of me crying and Leon holding me while I cry.

I write down the truth about how I was a mistake and neither of my parents wanted me but how it wasn't so bad when my mum was around and how when she died it all turned to shit when I was done I couldn't bear to look him in the eyes in fear he might look at me differently.

fear that now he knows what happened behind closed doors he might see me as weak and might do the same thing.

"do you hate me now too"

he didn't say a word instead he put his hand under my chin and looked me in the eyes and leaned in and kissed he loved back and looked at me.

"bailey why would I look at you different"

I sit there for a minute and think but before I can give my answer the door burst open and anna is stood there with a load of different take-out bags and I giggle and the sight.

"I didn't know what you like to I got options," she says with pride

and puts the food on the end of the bed I handed anna the note I gave Leon with what happened the other night and she was in tears when she finished reading it.

but his tears didn't last long soon we were sat in the room laughing about a random thing and having a blast.

awhile letter the doctor came in and told me I could go home tomorrow and I was kind of glad I didn't have to be here but then again I don't want to go back to that nut job.

when the doctor left the room I cried I don't want to go back Leon wraps his big arms around my shoulders

"hey it's okay" he cooed "you're staying with us there is no way in hell and letting you go back to that house after what you told us"

I stopped crying and Leon wiped my tears with the pad of his thumb and kissed my forehead I yawned and with that, I drift off to a peaceful full sleep in Leon's arms.

Leon's pov

I move my hand from around bailey and lay her down gently and leave the room to make a phone call to track down that sick bastard that calls himself Bailey farther.

I can't explain the anger I felt when bailey told me what her dad did to her but I kept my cool and stayed calm for her.

I call brody and tell him to start tracking him down and I will come help when I can.

once I finish up that I go back to the hospital room and sit down in the chair I have been sitting in for the past few days and drift off into a peaceful sleep knowing bailey and anna are safe.

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