chapter 20

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Baileys pov

My head is throbbing and the beeping is really getting on me never I have been awake for about 10 minutes now and I just can't be bothered to move to get up everything hurts.

I open my eyes and I see anna asleep on my chest and I smile at and get butterfly and I turn my head and see Leon sat in the chair next to the bed and I tense up.

I do not like him he broke my nose and he nearly did the unspeakable and I can never forgive him for that I understand he was upset but that is no excuse for what he did.

I look away from him not wanting to think about what he did and I run my finger through Anna's hair.

Annas pov

I wake up and someone is playing with my hair I sit my and let my eyes just to the light when they do I squealed happily and wrapped my arms around bailey when I saw she was awake.

She wrapped her arms around me well and I couldn't be happier that she was ok.

"oh my god your ok am so happy" tears escaped from my eyes and baileys.

"take a lot more to get rid of me I guess"

I wiped the tears from Bailey's eyes with the pad of my thumb and I stared into my eyes and slowly started to lean in more.

Our lips locked I bit on her bottom lip and she gaped I took the opportunity to shove my tough in her mouth and she moaned we fought for dominance and I won.

we explored each other's mouths until we heard a groan beside us we pulled apart and baileys and my cheeks were tinted with a blush.

Leons pov

I groan and she'd my eyes from the lights when my eyes just I look over to baileys bed and I see her and anna sat on the bed looking very suspicious but I ignore it and tackle bailey into a hug.

Bailey tensed under my touch and I moved away and looked at her she was rambling and her eyes showed pure fear.

Anna got off the bed and pulled me out of the room.

"Leon I don't think you should be here for a while"

"what," I say shocked

"shes scared of you after what you did I would be too I think it is best if you stayed away for a bit"

With that, she walks back into Bailey's room and sat bed on the bed I punch the wall next to me and stormed down the hallway.

I got to my car and drove back to the were house Samantha was still chained to the meat hook unconscious and matt and the other hand were shaking in the corner in nothing but boxer covered in blood.

I laughed until I could any more this once big and tuff boy is no nothing more than the dirt beneath my feet and believe me am going to make sure he knows this.

I stalk over to the shaking boy in the corner and I grip a first full of his hair and drag him to the middle of the cell.

his body trembled as I dragged my blade down his back he cried in pain he tried to move away from the blade but I dug it deeper into his skin every time he moved or made a noise I would dig my blade deeper ing into his skin.

Baileys pov

When Leon hugged me I could help but be scared, I mean he did break my nose, and do you know what.

Anna took him out of the room and she returned without him and I could be more grateful to her.

A few doctors came in not long after to check me over and told me I would be going home tomorrow.

Anna said I could stay with her and her parents and I could be happier that I get to spend more time with Anna and that I didn't have to go back to that old house or go back to Leon's.

I was no lying on Anna's chest and he was playing with my hair we were sat in comfortable silence.

720 words

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