chapter 14

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Baileys pov

Anna and I were sat together at the table eating breakfast when Leon walked in, me and anna looked at each other then back at Leon.

Leon was lent up against the marble counter he put his cup down and made his way over to the table he pulled out the seat next to me and I scooted towards anna more.

Leon put his head in his hands and rubbed his face and turned to look at us again.

"look girls am sorry for last night even tho I can't quite remember what happened I am truly sorry"

I look over at anna for some guidance not knowing if I should forgive him or not she gave me a small smile and nodded her head.

"it's okay you were upset" I give him a small smile he flung himself at me and hugged me.

After his apology, we all sat and had breakfast and since anna was suspended for a few days Leon decides he stay home today as well and we could all have a day together.

We sat watching movies in the living room all-day.

A few weeks later 

A few weeks after everything has happened it took me a week to go back to school and when I did I was surprised not to them but grateful.

Anna and I have grown even closer over these weeks as well I can't say the same for ma and Leon tho he has been really busy lately he comes home most nights late and leaves early in the morning and I barely get to see him.

But that doesn't matter today I and anna are going to the beach and I can't wait I haven't been to the beach in so long I can't wait.

We are sat in Anna's room making sure we have everything we need for today when we are done we pack our stuff in the car and drive to the beach.

The beach was pack there were people everywhere we walked around the beach until we found a spot and we put our stuff down and towels.

At lunch, I and an a went to a little diner on the prom.

It was lovely it was colorful and the atmosphere was warm and welcoming.

We sat in a booth and order milkshakes we laughed and joked the whole time we were there it was fun.

When we were walking out of the diner we walked past a group of boys they catcalled us but we kept on walking not looking back.

At some point, they had stopped following us and we made our way back to the spot on the beach and lied back down on our towels and sun-bathed for a bit.

I must have fallen asleep at some point because the next thing I know is anna is lightly shaken me awake.

When I saw her I smiled and sat up we gathered our stuff and put it back in the car and drove home.

Anna goes back to her parent in a week which I am sad about we would get to see her as often and talk and watch movies and cuddle every time we do I get butterflies in my stomach.

Wait what am I saying I have a boyfriend that also happens to be her brother and I couldn't hurt him not after he has done so much for me.

Plus anna probably would never like me like that so why mess up a perfectly good relationship over some silly crush.

We got back to the house and we went our separate ways for a short while to put our stuff away and to take a shower.

We met back up in the living room not long after and watch some movies.

We weren't even halfway through the first movie when Leon stormed through the front door.

Once I saw him I sat back down thinking he was just in one of his moods but no this was worse than that.

He came over to the couch and picked me up by my collar by eyes widen in fear his face was red and his eyes were no longer the blue eyes I had grown to love they were the shade of the night sky.

Leons pov

I was sat in my office and I was planning a date for me and bailey I know I have neglected her recently and I feel terrible about it.

There was a knock at the door and my secretary walked through and flowing not far behind Samantha.

I stood from my desk and ushered my secretary out.

"Why are you here and not on some corner" I sheeted

she giggled and walk towards me I backed away and sat back in my chair.

"I will ask you again and if you don't answer me I will put a bullet in your head why. are. you. here"

"you know fun but if you must know I thought you would like to see these"

she put 5 pictures in front of me and I saw red.

856 words

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