chapter 22

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Baileys pov

When I and anna got to her house there was a black Jeep in the driveway witch I assume to be her parents.

As we walked through the door anna was hugged by both her parent until they realized someone else stood there and turned their attention to me.

"oh my is this her" annas mum pointed to e and anna nodded.

"I am glad to finally meet you we have heard a lot about you and you can stay here as long as you like" her mum hugged me and pulled away after a few seconds.

"oh how silly of me am jenny and my husband's name is jeff"

Jeff stuck his hand out for me to shake and I did jenny clapped her hands to gather and told anna and me to get ready for dinner because we were going somewhere.

I and anna went upstairs to her room to get some other clothes and she ha asked me if she could tell her parents we are together which I didn't have a problem with.

1 hour Later

"girls are you ready to go" jenny shouted from downstairs.

I and anna went down the stairs where jeff and jenny were waiting for us "oh you guys look beautiful don't they" she looked over to jeff he gave an awkward smile and nodded in agreement.

Jenny rushed us out to the car and insisted we were going to be late.

when we arrived at the restaurant we were seated at a table in the middle of the room there were 6 chairs at the table me and anna sat next to one another and jenny and jeff sat opposite us.

After about 10 minutes the restaurant doors opened nf in walked Leon he looked tired his eyes had bags under them and he had stubble on his chin.

Leon sat on the same side as his parent he scowled at anna but that his expression soon softened when his eyes met me ew.

I looked away from him and looked at my hands in my lap Anna placed her hand on top of mine and gave me a soft smile we held hands under the table.

Anna squeezed my hand lightly to get my attention and whispered to me "is it okay that I tell me parents were dating now or do you want to wait till later".

I smile and nodded she returned my smile and coughed to get her parent's attention jeff, jenny, and Leon stopped their conversation and looked over to anna who was smiling brightly I sat in my seat awkwardly waiting for anna to tell them we are together.

"I and bailey have something to tell you all" anna said with i big smile playing on her lips.

"ok," jenny gave anna a questionable look.

anna took a breath before blurting out "I and bailey are together"

We sat quietly for a moment Leon looked angry but constipated at the same time jenny jumped up from her seat and came round to our side of the table and hugged us both.

"oh am so happy for you both you will be an amazing couple" jenny walked back over to her seat as the waiter made his way over with the food.

Leon seat in his seat quietly burning holes in me and Anna me.

30 minutes later

I excused myself from the table a while ago to got to the bathroom I am currently washing my hands when the bathroom door slammed open and Leon stormed into the bathroom making a b line towards me.

"You're cheating on me with my sister are you serious" he seethed I look at him confused.

"No was no together anymore so how am I cheating on you" I argued.

"you bitch I never broke up with you I never said you could leave"

"you don't tell me what I can and can't do for a start and we broke up a soon as you called me a slut for being assaulted"

"How was I supposed to know you were assaulted for all I knew you were cheating on me"

"Are you that fucking stupid I was crying in those photos my face was red and there was blood on my face and although that is true you didn't know I was assaulted that doesn't make up for the fact you beat and you were going to do what he did too and there is no excuse for that even if I did cheat witch I didn't"

I walked past him only for him to grab a hand full oh my hair and pull me back when I was back in front of him his hand gripped my neck and he slammed me back into the bathroom tiles the tile behind my head shatter and blood dripped down the wall.

I put my hand on his and clawed at his hands trying and hoping he will let go but he doesn't he leaned in till his lips brushed up against my ear.

"Listen here you slut you are mine and I will get you back one way or another your lucky am even interested you think annas gonna love you or even like you when she sees your scars you look like a freak or batter yet Fredy Kruger gon wrong you hideous no one could love you your too damage you're shattered there is no fixing you flower your broken"

Tears streamed down my cheeks as I tried to breathe his hand gripped tight around my throat as he looked at me once more.

"you will come running back to me flower we both know it you belong to me I will stop at nothing till I take back what is mine and trust me I will kill and torture everyone I have to to get you back I will let you have your fun for now but won't last long"

He let go of my throat and I dropped to the for gasping for air the tear still running down my cheeks he walked over to the bathroom door and smirked before walking out of it.

I pulled myself up off the floor and looked in the bathroom mirror my hair was a mess and I had a gash on the back of my head with blood dripping out of my cheeks were tear-stained and there was a large red-handed shaped mark on my neck.

I tried to use my hair to hide the cut at the back of my head and to hide the red mark on my neck.

when I finally hid the cut and the marks on my neck I splashed some water over my face the get rid of the remaining tears I straightened out my clothes and walked out of the bathroom back to the table.

I didn't see Leon anywhere when I went back to the table thankfully I sat back in my seat and grabbed my hand.

"what took so long," she asked with me with a worried expression.

"nothing just not feeling that well" I smile weakly at her.

"oh well we're going now so when we get back we can just lie in bed and watch a movie if you're not feeling well"

I smiled at Anna and we all put our coats on when we got back jenny and jeff went down the hall to their room and I and Anna went to her room.

we change into our pj's and climbed into Anna's bed and put on a movie at some point during the movie I fell asleep with anna lying on my chest while playing with her hair.

1288 words

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