chapter 11

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bailey pov

My face drained from all its color how long has he been stood there oh no this is bad this is really bad he's going to hate me he's going to think and dirty and a cheat.

I look up at anna and then look at Leon I try to speak but I just can't I can't tell him just thinking about it makes me want to throw up.

I lean back over the toilet and throw up anna hold s my hair again and pats my back as I throw up.

when I was done I looked at Leon who was still in the doorway but he no longer had a stern look on his face it had to soften.

he came and sat next to me on the floor and went to wrap his arms around me but I scooted back when he tried I don't deserve his comfort after what I have done.

"bailey what's wrong" he looked sad and now I feel even worse I broke down in tears once again I curl up in a ball with my head on my knees.

anna wrapped herself around me and hugged me from the side and asked Leon to leave witch he did thankfully.

I and anna are now sat back on the bed and Leon came back in "so would anyone like to tell me what's going on"

he came and sat next to me, I scooted away more into anna "she just doesn't feel well and thought you would be mad she left school early that's all" she gave him a weak smile.

Leon laughed "why would I be mad you left if you were the ill flower" he wrapped his arms around me and I stiffened but he didn't seem to notices.

he let me go and stood up "right am going to order the dinner I will shout to you guys when it ready" he exited the room and left me and anna alone till the food got here.

when the food did get here we went downstairs and sat in the living room I sat next to anna instead of Leon he looked at us weirdly but didn't question us.

I left my food on the plate untouched knowing I won't be able to keep it down I excuse myself and go upstairs want to sleep so this day can be over quicker.

401 words

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