chapter 21

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Baileys pov

We are currently on the way to anna's house and she is resting her hand on my tight while she drives and gives me butterfly's and I never felt like this with Leon.

I haven't seen him since he left the hospital and I am grateful I don't want to see him for a long time.

We pulled up to a massive house actually no we pulled up a mansion, my mouth hung open in shock.

Anna laughed at my reaction and squeezed my thigh the car had stopped moving at this point we got out of the car and walked up the porch.

The front doors opened and the side is just as amazing as the outside there are big grand staircases and a chandelier in the middle of the ceiling under it, there is a small table with a vase of flowers.

Anne took me upstairs and showed me where I would be staying and where her room was for when am done in the shower so I could some clothes.

I was in the shower for a while just think before I actually washed when I was done I walked down the hall to Anna's room I knocked on the door and there was a faint come-in.

"you know you don't have to knock right"


Anna picked up some clothes from her bed and handed them to me I walked back down the hall to where I was staying and change into them and went back down the hall to Anna's room.

Anna was hanging off the sie off her bed upside down on her phone I go over and dow the same thing.

I look over to anna and she looked at me and smiled she put her hand on my cheek and her thumb rubbed on my cheekbone.

She leaned in and our lips joined into a loving and passionate kiss anna pulled away and we both blushed.



"This is a long shot but will you go on a date with me I mean-"

"I would love to," I say cutting her off from her rambling.

We sat up properly on her bed and anna informed me that her parents would be back tomorrow lunchtime and wanted to meet me and that they were having a family dinner so Leon would be there yay.

But on the bright side, she said that she had a surprise and that I had to be ready before lunchtime tomorrow.

The next day

For the rest of last night I and anna watch movies in the living room and fell asleep on the couch we are currently in the car and Anna is taking me somewhere.

When the car stopped we were outside of a park we got out and anna grabbed my hand and told me to close my eyes so I did.

"ok open them"

I opened my eyes and there was a picnic blanket on the ground with a bunch of different foods and snacks.

"This is amazing when did you get the time to do all this" I turn and look at Anna.

"Emma helped me," she said smiling.

We sat on the picnic blanket and enjoyed the food and messed around throwing chocolate at each other and squirting whipped cream at one another.

we lay down on the blanket and anna turns to me and smiles I turn on my side to face her as well.

"Bailey Smith will you be my girlfriend," she asked with a goofy grin on her face.

"I thought you never ask" I laugh "of course I will"

A while after I and anna cleared up everything and put her back in the car so we could get back and meet her parents.

631 words

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