chapter 17

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Trigger warnings will be mentions of rape in this chapter.

2 weeks later her birthday

baileys pov

I have been laying on the clod concrete floor for a while now contemplating my life and the decisions I have made throughout it.

My dad was right I am useless and an slut who can't keep her legs shut and maybe Leon was right I am a cheater and I deserve what is happing I mean it's my own fault.

If I didn't get a ride home from Leon and go to the bathroom that lunch then maybe non of this would have happened.

Maybe I would still be curled up on the basement floor of my old house being beaten by my dad. 

The door opened but I was too in thought to notice it until matt was stood over me with a smirk on his face.

He started to stroke my cheek but I did do anything I have no more fight left I have no more tears to cry and my voice has grown weak from all the screaming I have given up.

"why so down baby" I turn and look at him then back to the floor "aw baby girl I know will cheer you up I got you some early birthday gifts for tonight"

He pulled me up so I was sitting up and he handed me a box I look at it and look at him but make no effort to open it its probably another one of his sick toys.

"open it then you stupid bitch" again I make no effort in opening it he ripped it out of my lap and opened it himself.

He pulled out a black and red lace lingerie set and threw it at me I look at it in shock why the fuck would he give me this.

"don't look so shocked baby girl I told you what would be happening tonight soon I will claim that sweet pussy and I will be mine"

He picked up the other box it wasn't as big as the other he pulled out a tactical knife he had an evil grin on his face as he came closer and closer to me.

"But until then I have some other ideas on how I can make you mine" he pressed the blade to my cheek and dragged it down he pushes me down so I was lying on my back and he started to write something on my thigh I cried out in pain as the blood dripped down my legs.

when he was done he stood up and admired what he had done he picked up and walked to the door he turned around and looked at me.

"I would say that a big improvement baby I thought you were missing something anyway when I next come in here I expected to see you in that" he points to the lingerie and leaves.

I coughed up a little blood and I looked at my thigh he had carved his initials in I turn my attention over to the lingerie I picked it up and stood up I took off what I was wearing and put the lingerie on.

looking at it there is more to this than what I was wearing before but more uncomfortable I was giving me a wedgy and the lace was irritating.

I sat back on the floor and waited for him to come back.

A few hours later.

The door opens but it wasn't matt who opened it I was someone I didn't recognize they walked over to me and ragged me up and pulled me along down a corridor until we reached a door.

The man knocked on the door 3 times and opened it when someone said a faint come in the door opened and Matt was sat in the room on a bed shirtless ew with silk red sheets and the lightening was red also.

I was thrown into the rooms and the door was slammed shut behind me I struggle to stand and when I did my knees wobbled.

"come on baby girl" matt patted the space net to him but I stayed planted in my place not want to go any were near him.

"baby girl I said come over here don't make me come over there and get you or the consequences will be much worse"

I make my way over to the bed slowly so I don't fall and because I do want to I sat a space away from him but he reached over and pulled me onto his lap.

He put his head in the crook of my neck and stiffed me ew I stiffen in my place scared to move he ha done hand on my back and the other on my thigh an inch away from where he had carved his initials into it.

he trailed kisses down my neck to my collar bone I few tears had escaped my eyes and fell onto his hand he looks up at my face and put his hand on my cheek.

"aw baby girl why are you crying this is going to be fun" he laughed

He lifted me off his lap and lied me down on the bed so he was hovering over me he moves the staps on the lingerie down my arms and slid it off of me.

He trailed a kiss from my back to my breast at this point I was sobbing loudly but that isn't stopping him he continues the assault on my chest.

He got off me and stood at the end of the bed undoing his belt until there was a sound bang downstairs and screaming.

Matt looked at me and walked back over to my shaking body he stroked my cheek and told me he would be back.

When he left I coughed up even more blood onto the sheets until I passed out.

995 words

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