chapter 9

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Leon's pov

I woke up this morning and bailey was nowhere in sight I checked the bathroom and she wasn't there so I went downstairs.

And there she was dancing around the kitchen in my t-shirt I put her in last night and I pair of my box that had a hair tie on the end the hold them up it was one of the best things I have ever seen.

I lean against the doorway and wait for her to notice I am standing there it takes a few minutes for her to notices me.

When she noticed me she dropped the spatula she was holding and looked at me embarrassed her cheeks grew a ruby red.

"h-how long were you standing there for" she squad out

I walk up to her and put my hands on her waist "long enough what are you doing up any way you should be resting after the week you've had" I say while moving my head to the crook of her neck.

"I wanted to make you and anna breakfast to say thank you"

"Say thank you for what flower" I pull back and look her ing eys she turns around while she has the chance and flips one of the pancakes.

"well you both invited me into your home and I haven't even known the both of you for a week and you both save my life I mean the least I can do is make breakfast for you guys"

Before I could speak and tell her she doesn't have to make us breakfast anna walks into the kitchen.

"you 2 better not be exchanging sexual favors in there" she shouted from behind the corner.

"no" I shout back and she walks in and sits on the counter "what the fuck are you talking about anyway"

She laughs "well the walls aren't exactly soundproof dipshit"

"Wha-" I cut myself off when I realize what she means and I turn and look at bailey she blushes and turns back the pancakes once again I look back at anna who is sat there laughing.

I choose not to respond to her and soon enough we are all sat around the table laughing and joking while eating the breakfast bailey made.

After breakfast and all the dishes are done I head upstairs and find bailey brushing her teeth in the bathroom with the spare brush I left out for her I sit on the bed and wait for her to come.

Bailey comes out of the bathroom and walks over to the bed and when she is close enough I reach out to her grab her waist and pull her into my lap.

"as much as I love to see you in my clothes flower we need to get you some that actually fit you don't you think so you and anna are going to go shopping while ill go deal with something at work and I don't want to here no if and or buts about it flower".

I remove bailey from my lap and go into the closet and put on a suit and come back out again.

"but for now you will have to borrow some of anna's clothes come on princess"

I extend my hand out to her and she gladly takes it I walk down the hall to annas room and kiss her on the forehead and we say our goodbyes.

As I walk up to my office my men bow their heads in respect and once again my slut of a secretary is pushing her tits up what does she think am going to clear her desk and fuck her.

fuck no I can smell her from her and it's not pretty plus I have bailey now.

I don't even spear her a second glance I walk right past her and into my office where I find brody and Jace sat at my desk waiting for me.

I sit in front of them and Jace hands me a file on Bailey's father's file and there not much in there that I don't already know.

I forget about that tho for now go down to the basement where we keep our scum bags.

We just got a new one in today and he hasn't paid his debt even after I so graciously extended his time he had 6 months to pay up and yet he failed to do so.

tho I have never met this guy before so you have to imagine the shocked look on my face when I see bailey's dad bloody and bruised in a chair in my cells.

I mean could this day get any better I can't help but laugh at the sight in front of me I mean who won't.

once I had composed myself I walked over to the sick son of a bitch and throw him off the chair.

I turn him over so he can face me and he crowed this bitch crowded he has every right to be scared of me for what I am about to do to him.

And not going to kill him if that what your asking no am going to let him suffer and going to do everything he has done to bailey to him every scar physical and mental and believe me and going to enjoy every second of it.

"You know I can kind of see a bit of a resemblance between you 2 I mean you both have the same colored hair and eye," I say circling him like he is my prayer and I am getting ready to devour him.

"w-w-what" he coughed out

"Don't tell me you forgot your own daughter already I mean I know my men hit hard but I didn't know they hit that hard"

"My daughters dead"

"that's what you think in fact she isn't dead she doing quite well acutely"


"you what you stabbed he abused her yah well see here's the thing I don't like people touching what mine let alone hurt what mine so here what going to happen"

I lean down and pick him up by the collar of his shirt.

"you are going to spend the rest of your sad life down here and am going to recreate every scar you ever put on bailey on you then you never know maybe we will just beat you, everyday witch, you should be thankful for I could do much worse"

I drop him to the floor and walk over to the table set up with everything on it I take off my suit jacket and roll up my sleeves.

I run my finger over all the different knives and blades and pick out one from somewhere around the middle of the set.

I walk back over to him and rip open his shirt I flip him on his stomach and he trie to fight back but I gip a tight hold of some of his hair and slam his head into the concrete.

I hear a crack when his face hits the floor and I run the blade down his back carving the words and random shapes into his back.

his screams are music to my ears the blood drips and ooze from the wounds but before I was done with him he passed out what buzz kill.

I mean I should have all the fun at once I leave his unconscious body in the middle of the room and leave my men to clean up the mess.

I walk out of the were house and to my car to drive home to clean myself up considering I am cover in Dave's blood (dave is baileys dad I forgot to mention).

when I walk through the front door I see bailey and Anna sat on the couch laughing they both turn and look at me and then go back to whatever the fuck they were laughing about.

I go up the stairs and I take a shower and change and join them on the couch.

1347 words

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