chapter 12

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Trigger warning mentions of self-harm and suicidal thoughts will be in this chapter.

Baileys pov

I fly up sweat coving my forehead and my clothes clinging to my now sweating skin' I look over to see Leon asleep, my breath is shaky I feel as if am drowning I try and get air down my throat but it's no use.

Struggling to breathe I look at the digital clock on the bedside table, it's 3 AM.

Trigger warning.

I shakily stand up and struggle to the bathroom when I get there I turn the light on and lock the door I sit on the floor my head on my knees tears threatening to fall.

my hands form into fists and I start hitting the top of my head in frustration I open the cabinet under the sink.

out of the corner of my eyes, I see the shiny metal blade its like it's calling my name beckoning me to use it.

I pick up the blade and pull up my sleeve my breathing getting ragged by the second.

I bring the blade to my arm and drag the colds sliver blade over my skin making a long slice opening my skin.

The blood seeps out of them after a few more slices my breath becomes more steady.

I put the blade back into the cabinet and ask the blood off my arm I pull my sleeve back down and turn the light off and open the bathroom door.

Trigger over 

I look at the bed Leon is still in the same position he was in when I went to the bathroom altho time has changed it is now 3.45 AM.

I open the bedroom door and make my way down the hall to Anna's room I pock my head in and she is sat on her bed on her phone.

When she notices me at her door she gives me a soft smile and puts her phone down she moves over and pets the space next to her.

I walk over to her bed and get under the covers with her she wraps her are around me and put her head on top of mine.

"you wanna talk about it," she asked softly.

"no thanks"

"okay but you can always talk to me you know"

"I know" my eye start drooping and I let sleep take over.

Annas pov

When bailey told me what had happened today my heart ached for her I have never seen her like this and honestly, it was horrible.

She could keep anything down and every time she thought about it she threw up.

What kind of vile disgusting person would do that to someone or wish that on someone just wait till I find that bitch and tho pig am going to make them pay.

But what hurts, even more, was when she asked me if I hated her I could never hate her if am being honest I fell in love the moment I met her.

But she with my brother and I could hurt him as much as I hate him sometimes he is still my brother.

Now she is asleep in my arms and I can't help but study her features her long silky black hair and her pink cheeks she is the image of perfection.

I slowly remove myself from under her to get ready for school I don't wake her up knowing she probably won't want to go in today.

sadly I can't stay here with I have a science test today and I have been studying for it for ages and I don't want to let all that go down the drain.

after I have gotten ready I leave a note on the bedside table for her to see when she get up to explain that I and Leon have left.

Leon pov

I wake up and space next to me is empty I sit up and look around the room expecting to see bailey either in the bathroom or in the closet but I could find her anywhere.

I go downstairs and I see anna sat on the island.

"hey anna have you seen baile" 

"yah she is in my room"



what the fuck I brush it off and walk up the stair I look in Anna's room and see bailey asleep on her bed I don't wake her up knowing she was ill yesterday and probably not wanting to go into school.

I walk back to our room and I take a shower, brush my teeth and get ready for work.

Annas pov

At school after anna took her test.

I storm through the corridor and see roger and liver talking to each other I fling myself on roger first I hit kick and scratch at him while screaming.

once I know he won't be getting up for I bit I look up and she Oliver stood there still in shock I pounce on him doing the same thing until I am dragged away by a 2 teacher into the office where it until Leon come and collects me.

we get in the car and Leon looks mad like real mad I just sit there silently waiting for him to ask me what happened.

"what the fuck was that," he asks but still keeping his eyes on the road.

"well you see I can't tell you I have been sworn to secrecy and I promised a friend I would not say anything so you are shit out of look my friend"

"what you know am going to leave this for mum and dad when they get back I am not doing this"

Leon dropped me off at home and went back the work when I walk in the door I see bailey on the couch with a mountain of blankets watching movies I smile at her and she smiled back at me and I join bailey on the couch.

Baileys pov

I was sitting on the couch when the front door opened I turn to see who it is and I see Anne walk through the door she smiled when she saw me and I smiled back.

anna came and sat next to me on the couch I asked her why she was home early and she told me what she did I shivered when she mentioned their name s but I giggled at the thought of her beating 2 grown-ass dudes up.

we sit on the couch for the rest of the day watching movies until we heard the door flying open and we saw a fuming Leon stood there.

1109 words 

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