chapter 5

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Leons pov

were walking down Bailey drive and I can't help but feel like there is something wrong but I brush it off when I hear my phone ringing.

I get in the car and answer my phone



"boss we have a problem down at the docks I think you need to come to check it out"

"fine I will be there in about an hour or so"

  put my phone back in my pocket

"what was that about, "Anna asks

"nothing just business am gonna drop you off and check it out I will be back soon," I say as I pull up my drive.

I leave anna at the house and drive down to the docks where I get my drug shipments.

when I get to the docks I see my men running around like headless chicken I step out of my car and started my suit before.

"what the fuck is going on here" I roar they all stop and look at me the color in their face drain I see brody coming up behind the men.

he pats me on the shoulder and leads me through to one of the buildings I own do here.

he turns and looks at me and shakes his head.

"you're not going to like this," he says while rubbing the back of his neck

"like what"I growl out

"Well, earlier today we caught some little shit trying to steal one of our shipments but-"

"where is he" I cut him off

"wait boss I need to tell-"

I grip his collar where is he"

brody points to the room down the hall I stalk down the corridor and burst through the door but the thing in front of me shocked me.

it was some kid who couldn't have been older than 16 sat tied to a chair I pull up a chair and sit. in front of the kid he looks up at me with a scared look on his face.

"I- I -I am s s s sorry they told me to I didn't want to I swear" he stuttered out.

"who kid who told you to do it I won't hurt  you if you tell me"

"you might not but they will"

the next thing I know I hear glass break and this kid's brain up to my walls I guess whoever made him do this wanted him to keep quiet.

I call my men in to clean up the mess and head home to find Anna on the couch crying.

baileys pov

I open my eyes and groan my father is nowhere in sight and is still bleeding and there is still a knife sticking out of my stomach.

I drag myself over to the vent and open it I grab my phone and text anna

'anna please help am in my basement bleeding out and I don't know what to do'

I just about manage to send the text before I passed out.

495 words.

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