chapter 10

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Trigger warning this chapter involves self-harm and some non-consensual sexual acts.

3 months later

Baileys pov

I have been living with Leon and anna for a few months now anna has to go back to her parents soon sadly but on a lighter note, Leon asked me to be his girlfriend 3 weeks ago which I couldn't be happier about.

Anna and I are currently sat in the back of Leon's car pulling up to the front of the school when the car stops and we get out Leon goes to give me a peck on the lips but I was pushed out of the way on the floor.

Anna gives me her and helps me up off the floor I push the hair out of my face and I see a girl with blonde hair and a cake face clinging onto Leon pick me much.

I walk up to the blonde hair girl and I grab a hand full of her fake ass hair and pull it, she went flying to the floor and I still had a clump of her hair in my hand and all I did was laugh.

She looked up and I was shocked her mouth hung open she got up off the floor and looked at Leon.

"Baby aren't you going to do anything".

Leon walked over to me and put his arm around me "nope am fine".

Screeched and stomped off in the other direction I look up at Leon looking for some answers but the bell goes signaling us to go in so he promised to tell me later.


me, Emma, and anna are sat at our usual table I tell them I will be back in a bit I was just going to the bathroom.

as I am walking down the hallway I get pulled into a separate classroom by the girl from this morning which I was told her name is Samantha by anna after the incident this morning.

"can I help you," I asked

"Stay the fuck away from him you bitch he's mine"

I look at her confused "what"

"you know hat I mean stay the fuck away from my boyfriend"

"ok but who the fuck are we talking about who the fuck is you boyfriend"

"um Leon" she like she is speaking to an idiot

"one Leon is my boyfriend and two no thank you"

she just smiled and pulled her phone out seconds letter 3 guys walk through the door I recognize the 3 from the homeroom they sit a few rows in front of me and anna.

Samantha clapped her hand together  to single for our attention "well it has been lovely but I going to go now boys enjoy"

she walks out the door and the dude named Oliver locks the door behind her at this point I am starting to get worried.

trigger warning non-consensual touching starts here.

They turn and look at me like I am there pray I start backing up only to hit a wall they take this opportunity to grab me.

Oliver covered my mouth and held my arms behind my back and roger grabbed my legs they lifted me and put me on top of a desk lying down on my back.

I try my hardest to kick and scream but fail miserably.

The guy matt move rogers out the way and pulled me to the edge of the table.

"oh am going to enjoy this" he mutter with an evil look on his face.

I do not want to explain what he did in detail I will just tell you all he did the same thing Leon did with bailey in chapter 8 now but without consent and make her lick something she didn't want to.

After the guys left.

After those vile horrible creates left me in that classroom I gather my stuff and I ran.

I am now curled up on my and Leon's shower floor crying I feel so violate so dirty and no matter how hard I scrub I can't get his touch off me I can still feel his clammy hands on my thighs.

and no matter how many times I brush my mouth or throw up I can still taste them.

what Leon going to think when he finds out he going to think and slut I cheated on him I didn't want to but I did.

trigger warning self-harm

I get out of the shower my legs are shaky and I feel as if it a suffocating I can't breathe can't do this I cant.

I rip open the cabinet door and find a packet of blades I open them and I throw the packet back in the cabinet and I sit on the floor.

I drag the blade over my legs and over and over once I started I just could stop but when I heard someone banging on the door I threw it in the cabinet.

"o-one second" I shout out to whoever it is I grab a washcloth off the side and wipe the blood dripping out of the wounds and I open the door.

end of self-harm

when I opened the door anna flung through and clung on to me "what happen are you ok you didn't come back"

I broke down crying again I fell to the floor and curled up no wanting to move anna sat down next to me and pulled my head into her lap and stroked my hair while I cried.

we sat like this on the floor for a while until I calmed down and got changed we are now huddled up on my and Leon's bed and it just makes me feel even more guilt.

my head is on anna's chest and she strokes my hair "bailey what happened" she said in a sad tone of voice.

I sit up on the bed and I start fiddling with my hand's anna outs her hands on top of mine to stop me fighting with them and held them in her hand and use the other her the hold my chin up so I am no making eye contacted.

"bailey what happened" but this time she asked a bit more sternly.

I sighed "y-you have to promise me you won't tell l-Leon"

"I promise" she held her pinky out and we shook on it.

I choke back my tears and tell her what happened and by the end, I was running to the toilet to throw up again.

anna came in and held my hair while I was throwing up and when I was done she held me in her arms.

"Please don't hate me," I say

anna moves me back and strokes my cheek "I could never hate you why would you say that"

"because I cheat on your brother an-"

"no you didn't you didn't ask for that to happened ok and everything going to be ok I promise we're going to sort this out there going to get what coming to them"

"my eyes widen you not going to tell Leon are you"

The door opens and Leon is stood there with a stern face " were not going to tell Leon what"

oh shit.

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