chapter 19

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Anna pov

We are on the way to Bailey's old house to see if she is there and am so pissed with Leon not only did he say all those things to her weeks ago but now he wants to pretend he cares.

She cried herself to sleep for a week after what happened in that classroom and he didn't give a shit and now he cares the fuck.

We pull up to Bailey's house and knock on the door but there was no answer but the window was bussed so we climbed through it I could hear the shower going your stair.

I knocked on the bathroom door but there was no answer I knocked again "bailey are you in there"

Leon came up behind me and start to pound on the doot frantically he gave up knocking and went to the end of the hall and ran into the door fell on the floor next to the bath.

Bailey was laying in the bath with the shower running blood was pouring from her arm I stood in horror over her lifeless body.

Leon, I had grabbed a towel from the side and wrapped her in it he picked her up and I followed not far behind them, to the car Leon put bailey in the back and we sped back to the hospital.

we left the car somewhere close and ran into the building the desk woman from before seen us and her face fell she started to call the doctor over to help see glared at Leon and told us to wait in the waiting room.

Leon had Bailey's blood all over him it was like deja vu he sat with his head in his hands and cried.

I was still in shock from what I had just seen back at Bailey's house she had a cast on her leg which they will probably have to put on again considering it got wet.

she had bandages on her nose and her back was sliced with welts on it he rids was black and blue and she had bruises all over her body.

A few hours later

I am now sat in a room with bailey she is hooked up to all these different machines Leon left awhile ago to go get some clothes and some of baileys stuff from the house but I did go with I could bear the thought of what would happen if she woke up here alone.

Leon pov

When I saw bailey in that bath tube with blood everywhere my heart shattered I was so scared I would lose her I don't know what I would do if she died.

I left anna at the hospital with her while I get some more clothes and pay matt and Samantha's bail I know what you thinking why would I do that well I want to torture them like they did bailey I want to make them suffer.

Once I change I headed down to the were a house I had some of my men pick up Samantha and matt after I paid bail.

I waited for about20 minutes before I was told they were there I walked down to the cells where there are being held.

when I walked in Samantha face lightened "I knew you would come, baby"

"ha fuck no I came to beat you if that's what you mean"

"what," she said in shock I laughed and untied her from the chair and hung her from her arms on the meat hook.

I walked around inspecting before I walked over to the table and picked up a knife I walked back over to her and started to tear her dress off she struggled a bit but I got her dress off it fell to the floor.

I circled him again thinking of what could do to this blank canvas I walk up to her and I started carving the words whore into her stock she squealed like a pig when the blade opened her skin and honestly it was annoying as fuck.

to fix my problem I cut her young out she gargled and gagged on her blood when she was screaming now that muck better I continued my associate and carving things into skin until she passed out.

I turn my attention to matt who was sat across from us he looked unfazed by what I had done but I had planned worse for him.

I stalked over to him and he smirked "all this over some whore you know I would be happy to share her with you"

"bailey she good her hand fit around my dick perfectly and her mouth mmm it works wonders that is when she not struggling"

 Just as I was about to punch him there was a knock on the door and turned around and opened the door my friend bob was stood there I moved out of the way so he could come in.

I invited my friend bob so he could do what matt did to bailey to him I nod to him and walked out to the room had and walk down the corridor I could hear matt screaming in pain and bob moans and grunts as I was walked out of the basement.

I made my way back to the hospital and bailey was still asleep and so was anna, anna was asleep next to bailey with cheeks were tear-stained I grabbed the spare blanket and put it over anna while she slept.

I sat in the other seat neat to bailey and locked my hand in her and fell asleep holding her hand.

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