chapter 16

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Bailey pov

I slowly open my eyes and look around I am tied to a chair in a brick room the door is steel and there is one bulb in the middle of the room I am still in the same clothes I was taken in thankfully.

The door opens moments later when I see who walks through the door I start to tremble and my berth comes out in sort of ragged chokes I gasp for air as they walk closer.

Matt and Samantha laughed "aw so helpless and better yet no one cares for you here so we can do what we want to you when we want with no interruption how great".

Samantha left the room so now it is only me and matt in the room he stalked over to me and whispered in my ear.

"mm I missed these," he says while squeezing my breast h kissed my neck and made his way down to my collar bone but he stops" but I want to make you suffer baby girl before I pleasure nut do worry I won't take your virginity yet and saving that one for you birthday in 2 weeks"

with that, he walked out of the room he came back a few hours later with a bag.

He put the bag on the floor and untied my hand and leg I rubbed my hand to get my correlation going only for him to grab them together and wrap some chain around them he then lifts them above my head on a meat hook.

he went back over to the and grab a knife he came over again and use the life to tear my clothing off of me and tears streamed my face as I begged him not to but it didn't anything he didn't even spare me a second glance.

When he was done I was left in nothing but my bra and panties when he went in the bag for the final time he pulled out a long leather whip.

He walked over to me slowly running the whip through his fingers when he reaches me he circled me like I was his prey.

he stopped in front of me and laughed at my trembling body he ran his fingers over the top of my breast he touches made me shiver and want to throw up.

"baby girl why so scared were only going to have some fun " he smirked.

he stood behind me and craked the whip on the concrete floor it made a loud crack and I jumped at the sound.

he laughed and hit the whip off my back "now baby girl I want you to listen to me carefully to me can you do that every time I hit you with this I want you to count and thank me take this as your punishment for tightening when I took your clothes off this is my  body and if I want to see it is the will and you will learn not to fight me in time"


I cry out in pain "come on baby every time you don't thank me I will start over again"


"one thank you"

"thank you what," he asked hitting me again with the whip

"one thank you master" this is so humiliating

Leons pov

Anna and I looked all night for bailey and we couldn't find her any where and anna is refusing to talk to me which I don't blame her.

it is now late afternoon and I have all my men working on finding bailey.

Jace ran into my office and handed me another set of the photo this time I was off bailey being whipped and her clothes being ripped off by the same due in the picture from before.

Tears were running down her cheeks in each photo and blood running down her back in another there was another one where they were touching her while she was uncosise.

Just wait till I get my hands on these little shits crumpled the photos up and barked more orders to my men and threatened on what would happen if we didn't find her.

we also got the police involved for extra support to help find her faster.

Annas pov

I will never forgive Leon for what he has done to bailey and I hope she doesn't even and not because I might like her no because what he did was fucked up I hate cheats as much as the next person but it was obvious from the picture she didn't want it.

Even if she did cheat that doesn't excuse what he was going to do to her and now she is a missing witch is even worse.

I want back to my parent a day early and I haven't left my room since I am so scared in case we don't found her or what if she turned up dead.

she cant die I have even told her I love her yet.

831 words

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