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{Ukraine's POV}
I ran and ran with my necklace in my hands. I kept it safe in my palms. Too much stuff happened at home and I can't handle it anymore. Curse stuff happens and it's all because of me and this stupid necklace that my brother told me to keep safe and away from people.

I knew I was deep in the forest because I didn't follow the path. However, I did end up in a camping area. I stayed in the shadows but not far away from there. It was my base.

I sat under a tree and opened my hands. In my palms was my necklace that was glowing. It was pass down from generations to generations till me. I have it in front of me and it was supposed to keep me away from harm. But all I was getting was everything except that. I kept getting hurt. My first plan to do with this thing was to throw it in the ocean but neither the water wants it because it was thrown back to me. I tried selling it but I was demand a refund because they said it was cursed.

It was almost winter. And all I had was a black turtle neck tight shirt and a white short sleeve shirt over it. Blue jeans with a black belt. I had my older brothers navy blue very long scarf with the same symbol as the necklace on it. I shivered in coldness and cussed under my breath. I put the necklace in my pocket and crossed my arms to try and keep warm. I brought my knees to my chest and rest my head on the trunk.

I closed my eyes, hoping that I will fall asleep and leave this nightmare. Wishing that this never happened, that I didn't take the necklace, that my family loves me... That I don't feel wrong...

I woke up to the sound of the fire crackling. I lift my upper body and looked around. I was no more in the forest, no more in my base, no more where I feel safe. Then where the hell am I?

I was on a couch with a pillow where I rest my head on. A heavy blanket that was soft and warm, to the point I don't want to get out of it, was on me. I looked around the room some more and I am starting to feel unsafe...

I'm in a strangers living room, with a blanket, and warmth. Sure, I would love to stay and be taken care of, but the fact that I don't know this person, instantly changes my point of view.

I heard water boiling from the other room so I looked over there. The door opened and I looked away. I heard footsteps coming closer so I closed my eyes. Something fragile and heavy was placed on the glass table near me. Someone grabbed my shoulder but gently and caressed it with their thumb.

I opened my eyes and a male face with two red vertical lines and a red maple leaf in the middle. I pushed him away and he fell on the couch farther from me. I brought my knees to my chest and looked at him with fear in my eyes. My body started to tremble. I was bitting my nails with stress.

He sighed and got up and sit on another chair opposite of me. He rest his right ankle on his left one and looked at me. He had a small smile. He seemed friendly... But can I trust him?

-What's your name? He asked and I understood but when I opened my mouth, I didn't know how to formulate a sentence.

-україна... I said, after I gave up.

-I'm sorry but, what is that language? I sadly don't speak it. I only speak English and French. He talked way too fast and I shook my head in frustration.

-S-Sorry... What? I was trying to be polite as possible but I don't know much of my vocabulary.

-Am I talking too fast? He asked and moved his hands to try and make me understand. I nodded as a response to his question.


-Okay, I'll slow down. My name is Canada.

-Канада... I whispered under my breath in how I would call him so I stuck with that.

-What was that?

-Nothing... Yes, nothing.

-Where did you learn English?

-Learn... Ah! My, my... батько? I said, forgetting how to say that word in english.

-I don't know that word. Try to use your hands to tell me.

-Umm... I looked at my hand, thinking how I can tell him. -Папа!

-Oh, you mean your dad, father.

-Yes! Father. I-I mean that... I nodded slowly and looked down. That's when I noticed the object that was placed on the table. млинці! Next to it was hot chocolate.

I looked up and he pushed the food closer to me. He was gentle and patient. He went back to his position and observed my face.

-Eat up, it's pancakes. I can see your bones. It's kinda scary.




-That's the meaning of the word scary. He said and smiled. I placed my hand on my beating heart and was catching my breath.

-Sorry about that. That was the only way that I could explained it to you.

-O-Okay... I said and put down my hand and grabbed the fork. I glanced at him and he smiled at me.

-Don't be shy, I won't scold you if you eat. It's natural. He said and I didn't understand the last part but I just nodded and took the first bite.

When I was done, he took the plate and got up. But before he could leave, I grabbed his sleeve.

-My... намисто. I said and he pulled it out from his pocket.

-It's called a necklace in English. He handed me it and I took it out of his hand and put it over my head.


{Author's note}
I am really a twat, ain't I? How many books am I going to juggle?!

You can give me a virtual slap, I deserve it.

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