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Two months later~

{Ukraine's POV}
I had my knees on the floor and had my arms crossed on the bed. I watched as Ace stared out the window. He has been like that one day after the event happened.

The door knocked and it opened. I looked behind and it was Canada. He was wearing a white hoodie and black jeans. I blushed at the fact of me being in a weird position so I got up and sat on the bed.

-He's still staring out the window? Canada asked in a surprised tone and closed the door behind him when he entered.

I nodded and looked at Ace with worried eyes.

-I wonder why... I whispered when Canada sat on the bed next to me.

-Hmm, well, maybe he's looking for your brother? You did say that if the necklace ever breaks, your brother and all of the souls trapped in it will be wondering souls.

-I did say that. But Ace won't budge and I'm getting worried... He's way too big and heavy for me to drag, I can't imagine me carrying him away.

Canada got up and I looked up at him. He walked over to Ace and he was only half his height. Canada petted his head before he bend down and grabbed him and carried him and placed Ace's upper body on one of his shoulder. I was surprised that he could do that. He walked towards me and placed Ace down on the bed. I opened my arms and Ace saw it and went towards me and walked around me and lay down, placing his head on his front paws and wrapped me with his long fluffy tail. I petted his head and ruffled up his body.

-I didn't know you could carry him. I said and looked up at Canada who smiled.

-One of the skills you learn when you're a hunter.

-What is it?

-To carry something heavy, majority of the power comes from your legs, not your upper body.


-Yeah, why would I be lying to you?

-I don't know.

-Hmm, that's what I thought! He sighed and I looked at him. You should go to sleep, it's 10 p.m. already. Night!

-Good night... Nada. I hesitantly said his nickname and he stopped walking towards the door.

-... You called me with my nickname... You've never said it before... Say it again, please. He turned to face me and his eyes were begging.

-Nada... What's so special?

-N-Nothing. Well, good night Uki. He said and he was showing a bit of redness on his white part of his face.

He walked out of the room before I could say anything. Uki? Why does it feel special when he said it... It's a nickname, not a big deal. I nudged Ace a bit to ask him to move to the side and let me lay down and he obeyed. I brought the thinner than before blanket and covered my body and Ace went down the bed and went into a ball and closed his eyes. I closed my eyes and I fell asleep.

{Canada's POV}
She said it, she said my nickname. I stood infront of the door and I couldn't stop smiling. I was a blushing mess. I was really happy that she felt more comfortable to say it! But I do hope she's fine about me calling her Uki, I just find it easier.

My phone buzzed and I took it out. It was from Aussie, making sure the plan we planned for tomorrow was still going. I answered the text by saying it was and turned it off and went to my room. I changed and flopped on the bed and closed my eyes, still smiling.

Next morning~

I woke up at 5 in the morning, two hours earlier. I took off my forest green shirt and I heard the front door open. I guess Aussie decided to let him in. I wore a grey shirt and wore black training pants. I put on my red with a single white stripe cutting my chest diagonally and was my ice hockey training jacket. I zipped the jacket and didn't reach until the neck. I grabbed my belt that had the holder for my axe and put it around my waist. I placed my axe in it and ran my fingers in my hair to fix it a bit.

I opened my door and walked down silently, not wanting to alert Ace or waking Uki up. I found Aussie sleeping on the couch peacefully while NZ was on the other couch reading a book. He closed it when he saw me and woke Aussie up. He made annoyed noises so I put my hand on his mouth to shut him up.

When I made sure he stopped, I pulled my hand away and wiped my palm on my pants. He rubbed his eyes and sat on the couch properly. I turned my head at NZ and he looked at me.

-Make sure to keep her safe. If she has a single scratch that isn't from Ace or yours, I will make you regret it. I said and pointed at his face.

He had never felt my glaring eyes on him and he was surprised and felt scared. He nodded hesitantly and I put my hand down and turned over to Aussie and patted his shoulder to get his attention and he looked up at me before he got up and followed me to get out from the house. I looked one last time at NZ before closing the door.

{Ukraine's POV}
I woke up by Ace licking my cheek. I smiled before opening my eyes. He was over me and wagging his tail happily. I pushed him gently to the side and he went down the bed. I stretched and looked outside of the window that was in front of me. I got up and shivered at the cold floor. I went to the closet and opened it to find a sweater.

I didn't buy any so I looked at my closet, looking at anything that could make me warm. I grabbed a black shirt and jeans and a belt. I opened the door and smelled pancakes so I guess Canada was cooking. I sneakily went to his room and opened his closet and grabbed a white hoodie that was an oversize one for me. I closed it and when I went out of his room, Ace, that was waiting for me outside of the room, was gone.

I heard growling coming from the kitchen so I hurried downstairs only to see New Zealand holding a spatula in his hand and Ace opposite of him, growling.

-Ace, Стоп. (Stop.) I ordered and he looked behind and obeyed.

New Zealand looked at me with a big smile but I didn't return it. I went closer to him and he was slightly taller than me.

-Good morning!


{Author's note}
Hah! You thought! I ain't done torturing them!

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