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{Canada's POV}
I kept following the star mark footsteps until I stopped at a house. I bang the door and after three or four times of banging, Ame opened it.

-Where is she? I asked and entered when he stepped back.


-You know who I'm talking about. You picked her up!

-I don't- before he could answer, I picked him up by his collar and banged him on the wall.

-Elle est où. (Where is she.)

-I don't speak french!

I banged him again on the wall and he grunted. I had no mercy because I know she's in here, somewhere. If she's hurt, I'll hurt whoever hurt her.

-Alright alright! She's in the chamber!

He pointed at the wooden door behind me that was in the wall. I instantly let him go and opened the door.

The door slowly opened and the light from the living room gave light for the room. In the middle was a curled up body and a wolf pup next to the persons ankle. I turned my head at Ame and he jumped at my movement. I walked towards the body and before I could touch it, the wolf instantly got up and bit my leg.

-Ow! Mais, merde! I shouted and the body took out their hands and pulled it away.

-Sorry America... Please don't hurt me... Her voice cracked and my heart shattered.

I bend down and took her chin. I made it look up at me and Ukraine had her eyes closed shut. My eyes widened at the damage that was on her face. I squatted down and touched the cut that was on her upper lip. She flinched at my touch. I moved my hand to her black eye and she yelped in pain.

-Sorry. I whispered and she pulled her head away from my hands in surprise.



She tackled me with a hug and I lost my balance so I fell on my butt. She buried her eyes on my shoulder and warm tears came out of her eyes. I could hear her trying to hold back hicks but failed. I looked behind and the front door was opened and Ame was gone. I couldn't believe that, that, that putain!

-Y-You're hurting my arm, Канада... She barely could say the sentence.

I instantly looked down and I was really gripping her biceps. I apologised and she nodded, saying she heard it.

When Ukraine calmed down, I led her outside. I hold her hand, not wanting to let her go ever again, I cared for her too much. I looked at her side and there was the wolf, walking next to us. I looked at her and she shrugged.

-He followed me and protects me, so I just let him. She explained and I nodded.

-What did you call him?

-I thought that he will leave me alone so I didn't name him anything.

-What about Ace?

-What does that mean?

-I think it means champion or something.

-Hmm, sure. I like it.

We kept quiet while I looked for Ame's print. Ukraine suddenly stopped and I looked at her, worried. She placed her hand on her pocket and started to speed up her breathing pace.


-My necklace! She shouted and gripped my biceps and stared straight to my soul.

The wolf looked up and bark. We both looked at him and he was looking at a specific direction and we followed it. We saw nothing but then he started to go to a direction but we didn't follow him. He stopped and barked again at us.

-Does he want us to follow him? I asked and she let go.

-Maybe... Ace, sit!

-You can't-

She stopped me by pointing at the wolf which was sitting. My eyes widened at how he can understand what she said.

We both followed the wolf which was running really fast. I had no problem at catching up at him, it was mostly Ukraine but I hold her hand to make sure not to loose her and she followed my steps.

The wolf stopped and barked at something. I looked at his direction and a male figure which had his hood on, covering his face. He turned to face me and it was Ame. I ran to him before he had time to react and tackled him. We both fell on the pile of snow and rolled around in it, fighting for dominance. I wrapped his neck with my hands and he gaged. (Why did this just become really sexual like?)

-F-Fuck off Nada! It's mine!

-It belongs to Ukraine! And why do you want it, eh?

-Y-You're becoming more canadian... Hah!

-The fuck are you talking about!


My blood boiled at what he said. How dare he called me that! He still didn't understand what we're capable to do. I tightened my grip and he coughed. I lift his head by pulling his neck and slammed back down on the ground. I repeat this action until Ukraine called out my name. I looked up and she was running towards me with the wolf by her side.

-Let him go! We can't kill him!

-Why not?

-Because I need to know why does he want my necklace!

-... Fine.

I let him go but I was still on top of him just in case. I wasn't sure if he was dead or not because at the back of his head, it was bleeding, but since he is a tough country, I can't really te. It was quiet and we could hear the heavy breathing of Ame. Ukraine sat on her knee and observed the face.

-He's not dead yet... Perfect! She said and grabbed his cheeks and pinched it together and brought it near her face. Що, блядь, ти хотів з цим зробити? (What the fuck did you wanted to do with it?)

-He doesn't speak Ukrainian. He only knows English and Spanish.

-... What did you wanted to do with my necklace? She let him go and he huffed.

To be honest, I didn't know that's what would happen when she snaps.


{Author's note}

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