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{Ukraine's POV}
-What? He asked and I looked down.

-My... My speak is russia but... Not russia... I tried to explained but I never learned how to formulate correctly.

-You speak russian, but it's not russian? Sorry, I don't understand. He said and put back down the dishes and sat on the same couch.

-I, I understand russia but, it is not my speak.

-You mean russian, and language, right?

-Umm, yes. I think...

-Well, that's good to know. But I still don't know your name.

-україна... Call me how it sounds like...

-It sounds like... Ukrainia? Can I call you Ukraine?

-Okay... It is close.

-Okay, Ukraine, so... Since you are in my territory, and it will be very cold... I'll have to buy you a jacket to stay warm. What's your size?

-Size? I-I don't know. I... I make my own... This... I said and showed my clothes. I made it all myself.

-You make your own clothes? That's cool, but I don't have the materials... I'm was going to the supermarket so, let's go now. He said and got up.

I did the same thing and grabbed the dishes.

-Oh no, you don't have to do that! He tried to take away the plates but I shook my head and move it away from him.

-I-I am staying here with you... If I can... So, Leave me pay you!

-It's "let me repay you", not what you just said. And of course you can stay!

-Y-You understand! I shoot back and he sighed.


-You are welcome. I said and walked off.

I entered into a random room and I guess I ended up in the bathroom. I turned back and saw him smiling, understanding what I did. He was smirking. I walked up to him and I look at his face, which now I look, he had a huge scar on his left eye.

-Where kitchen? I asked and he instantly laughed. -Please? I begged and he nodded and motioned with his head to follow him.

He opened a door that let to the kitchen and I walked to the sink. I put it in and turned on the water. I grabbed the sponge and put soap in it and started to wash them. Canada grabbed a towel and I gave him the plate and he wiped the water away. We did our stuff quietly, not exchanging any words.

-So, when we get back from the stores, do you want to have a tour in the house? He finally broke the heavy silence.

-Tour? What that?

-"What is that?". But tour means, showing around.

-Oh... Tour... Okay! I gave him the fork and wiped off the water that was on my hands with my pants.

He put down the towel when he was done and went to the living room. I followed him behind and he stopped in front of the door and wore his boots. I understand what he wanted to do so I wore my shoes that he left next to his. He handed me a jacket and before I wear it, I saw his name written in it.

-Umm, this yours...

-"This is yours". And yes, it is. But I can handle it. C'mon, let's go. He opened the door and I wore it.

It was really big on the sleeves but it was alright. When I step on the snow, it instantly went into my shoes and wet my socks. I grumbled under my breath and Canada heard it. He stopped and I looked up.

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