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{Ukraine's POV}
I stayed quiet while trying to listen them talking about something. Everyone was going very fast that I couldn't catch up at what they were saying.

But I did heard footsteps coming towards me so I instantly got up and went around the counter and stare at something other than the door. The door opened and I ended up staring at the stove.

-Ukraine? Are you okay? Canada asked and closed the door. If it's my brothers, you can go to your room and stay there.

-No, I will stay here.

-Do you want me to bring you some biscuits?

-No need. Thank you.

-Alright, just making sure... He ended and stayed quiet and stared at me.

I could feel his eyes burning with curiosity at my actions. I just can't help it. If my brother doesn't feel safe, that means I won't be safe.

-Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?

-Y-You have your brothers...

-They can wait. We just met last week but didn't had time to catch up.


-... Guess you're not opening up at me yet. But I hope your brother is feeling fine... He said and walked back into the living room, closing the door behind him.

I sighed heavily and took off my necklace and look at it. It was dead. My dear old brother doesn't like it here when there is this specific person in this house. I need to find out who it is.

After a while hiding in the kitchen, I heard the front door closing so I peaked outside of the kitchen to see if they were gone, and yes. This is my chance! I went towards Canada that was on the couch and brought my necklace near him. It started to glow again and I smiled. Canada is out of the list, and so is Australia. That means it's either America or New Zealand.

-Ukraine? What are you doing behind me? He asked and turned to face me.

I jumped in surprise and started to shake.

-It's fine, I'm not mad.


-Yep. Say, can you help me with all the mess my brothers left?

-Yes, of course. I nodded and put my necklace in my pocket and with Canada, I grabbed the stuff and went to the sink and put it in there.

When everything was in it, I started to wash them while Canada was standing beside me, waiting for them.

-I need some help with my hunting, so do you mind coming with me this afternoon?


-Killing animals for food.

-Oh... I don't know how to do that.

-And I'm gonna teach you.

-Okay. Do I have to change?

-Hmm... No, you're fine. He said and looked up and down at me. But I do.

-Okay. Do we use gun?

-A rifle.

-Do I have to use it?

-If you don't want to, you don't have to.

I nodded at what he said. I've never been a big fan of guns, they're actually my biggest fear. I freeze everytime I hold one. As long as Canada holds it, I'll happily go with him.

I waited in front of the door with my new cape and boots. I started to play with my hands quietly while waiting and kept my eyes down. I heard heavy footsteps that belongs to Canada so I looked up. He was wearing a red flannel shirt and the three buttons weren't buttoned. He had black jeans and a belt which had a big axe that was in a really good shape. He kneeled down infront of me to put on his boots and I kept my eyes on him. When he got up, we were quite close than normal but since I felt safe being next to him, I didn't bother to move away. He went to his side and put on his jacket and took the rifle that was hanging on the wall next to the door and put it over his shoulder. He opened the door and turned his head to me.



We both walked out and Canada locked the door.

-Hold my hand, I can't let you wander too far. He ordered and took out his hand and I grabbed it.

He was moving quite fast but silently at the same time. It was quite a struggle to keep quiet and walked on the snow at the same time but I guess he saw it and he slowed down.

When we stopped, I was standing behind a tree with Canada and he was putting ammo in the rifle.

-What animal are we killing?

-Either a deer or something else.

-Is there wolves?

-Yes, so pay attention. They are after the same preys as us, so we need to kill a deer before they get them.

-Oh... I like wolves.

-Me too, I find them amazing at everything. Especially hunting. Shush! A deer is near us.

He pulled me by the waist and he leaned his body on the tree and with his strength in his arms, made my body lean on his. He covered my mouth when he let my waist go and he had his rifle in his other hand. He placed his hat on my head and put back his hand on my mouth.

-I can't see the moose clearly when I have that hat. He whispered in my ear and I nodded.

His head followed the direction of wherever the deer was going. I couldn't see it but he said something that I couldn't understand, but in his voice, I could hear him being pissed.

-Ukraine, stay here. I'll hunt that deer down. Don't. Go. Anywhere. He ordered and I nodded. I've never wanted to.

He sprinted off to the direction of the deer and I was left alone. All the flowers were dead so I couldn't waste time by making flower crowns. The hat was really keeping the top of my head and my ears warm, and I was enjoying every second of it. I took out a pair of white gloves that Canada brought and in my pocket and wore it. I looked around and heard a bush making noise so I snapped my head towards it. I took out my necklace and it was dead. Danger! A wolf came out and I backed up. I placed my necklace near my chest and when the wolf jumped, I closed my eyes.

I waited for pain, but it didn't happened. I heard heavy breathing so I opened my eyes. It was dead. An axe was stabbed into its head. I looked behind me and noticed Canada carrying a skinned deer by the shoulder and his jacket was unzipped. Blood was on his face, and so is on his chest. His shirt was ripped by a giant claw mark and his chest had that mark and it was bleeding.

-They almost got you, huh? He said and dragged his body towards me, I saw a smile on his face. Eh, do you know how to handle bruises? Because I don't.

-Yes. Do we go back to home?

-"Do we go back home". And yes. But first, can you pull back my axe that is that wolf's head?


I went to the wolf and placed my leg on its snout and grabbed the handle of the axe, and with my force, pulled it. It took two tries to get it out. It was really in it. I handed it and he took it, and by looking at how he holds it, it looked like it was nothing to him. He put it in a holder and we walked side by side back to his house.

{Author's note}
I'm not lying when I say, holding an axe is freaking heavy! My family owns one and me and my brothers had fun by cutting not used wood it half. And my dad grabbed and chopped them with ease. Like, huh?! He even threw it in a long distance into a big rectangular wood that was hanging on the wall. He never let us to do it because he knew we were going to fail.

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