Going back... part 2

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{Canada's POV}
-Nothing, I'm telling you. I'm fine. She said and turned around and hold my hands which made me blush a little bit.

-Are you sure? Because you were behaving weird.

-I'm sorry if I made you worried, but I'm feeling great so don't worry!


She let me go and smiled warmly at me so I stopped feeling worried. But even so, I knew there's something wrong. She walked to the side and started to walk while I stood there. She noticed that I wasn't following so she turned around and took out her hand.

-I won't be the person to stop the hangout. Let's go and have fun. She said and smile at me.

I smiled as well and walked forward and hold her hand. We kept quiet while looking at the fishes and enjoying each other's company.


-Where do you wanna go now? I asked and took a sip of soda that I brought for me.

She looked around and was looking for something. She stopped turning around and pointed at a shop, a gift shop.

-There. Can we buy a souvenir? She asked and was practically begging.


She jumped on her toes happily and ran towards it. Me and Ace were surprised at her action. I looked down at Ace and he got up from laying down on the floor.

-You're getting old, buddy. I said and petted him and he yawned.

Both of us took our time to go towards the shop and when we arrived, I found her staring at a stuff animal. A clownfish. She turned around to look at me, as if she knew I was there. She instantly put it back and went somewhere else. Ace followed her and I was about to follow her as well but I stopped at the clownfish. I stared at it before taking it and walked towards her.

I found her looking at magnets and was finding one. I tapped on her shoulder and she turned to face me.


I placed the fish's mouth on her nose and her eyes widened. She got back up straight since she was bending down before and looked at me. I smiled and handed her the fish.

-You want it? I asked after she took it.


-Alright. It's not that expensive so I can buy it.

I look at the price tag and noticed it wasn't that expensive. I smiled as I could see her eyes shined.

-Oh thank you! She said and looked down at it.

When I payed for it, Uki was waiting with Ace outside of the store. While walking towards her and putting the receipt in my wallet, Uki stopped me from going any further to not bump into anyone.

-Thanks. I thanked her and put back my wallet in the back of my pocket.

When we exit the building, it was darker than before. Geez, how long were we in there? We both went towards the car and I started it once everyone was in it.

-So, where to now? I asked and started to drive.

-... Home. She said and squeezed the plushie.

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