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{Ukraine's POV}
I opened the door for Canada and he dropped the deer on the floor and took off his shoes. I dragged the dead deer into the house while Canada takes off his jacket and dragged his body to the couch and lay on it. I closed the door and walked towards him, worried.

-Hey, Ukraine. Go upstairs to my room and go in the bathroom. You'll see a mirror on top of the sink and there, you'll find the kit. He said and I nodded.

I went up the stairs and went to his room. I opened the door and looked around for the door. I've never entered without his permission so it was new for me.

I finally found a door so I opened it and it was the bathroom. I went to the sink but knocked something off the shelf. It was a bar of soap still wrapped. I got down to pick it up but I saw a secret door at the wall, big enough for a grown man to crawl in. I reached out for the doorknob but before I could touch it, Canada called out.

-Ukraine? Did you found it? It's bleeding fast!

-S-Sorry! I answered and put back the soap bar.

I opened the mirror and found the first aid kit. I grabbed it and ran back downstairs. I saw him sitting up straight on the couch, watching the blood coming out. I went to him and open the box. I took out a special cream, bandages and tissues. He wiped off the extra and dried blood with the tissues and I put the cream on the bandages.

When he was ready and so was I, I wrapped his torso with the bandages and when I was done, I put the stuff back. He went up to his room to get a shirt and came back down with a black turtleneck shirt and sat back down on the couch.

-You really know how to wrap bandages. That's amazing! He complement and my heart sank a bit.

-Do you want know?


I went and sat next to him and pulled the sleeves up. I unwrapped the bandages that I used to wrap my forearm with. Old cuts were now visible. Some were accidents, and some were history. He observed my arm and slowly reached out for it. He rubbed his thumb across it gently and had his eyes locked on mine.

-Does it hurt? He asked and I looked at his thumb that was caressing them.


-Not physically? He asked to make sure and I nodded. How did you get them?

-My family.

-Damn... That sucks... But it's old, right?

I nodded as a response and he nodded as well.

-That's good. He whispered and we stayed silent.

He stopped caressing them after a while and let go. He turned his head to the dead deer that we both almost forgot about and he got up. He walked towards the deer and bend down. A grunt escaped his mouth by accident and I jolted up from the couch. Canada placed the bleeding deer on his shoulder and turned his head to me and smiled.

-Are you okay? I asked and walked to him and he nodded.

-Don't worry about me. I just need to teach you how to cut a deer for it's meat. He said and walked towards the kitchen and I followed him.

-I know.

-You know how to do it? I nodded. Well, we'll have to see.

I opened the door for him and he thanked me and placed the deer on the floor. He grabbed a big bowl and a sharp long knife. He handed me the materials and I kneeled down next to the deer and started to work on it.

~2 weeks later~

I carried Canada's rifle for him while he goes to assassinate the deer with a knife since he says it's better quality.

These days, Canada was patient with me and help me to defend myself in winter. Not to mention, because Canada knows how to use a gun, I'm a bit more calm holding guns once in a while. But I'll never use it.

Footsteps was coming towards me and I looked behind. Canada was far away and he told me to stay where I was. I faced the noise, but when I turn back to where I was staring, a male figure was in front of me. I slipped and fell on my back and let the rifle go by accident. I took it back swiftly and wanted to get back up but I was tackled back down by the person who I hope isn't who I think it is.

I looked straight into the winter storm blue eyes. The burning passion of wanting to kill him right there and then was so determent that the inside of my body was feeling warm.

-Геть з Росії! (Get off Russia!)

-я наконец нашел тебя (I finally found you) He said through his greeted teeth.

I punched his cheek and he moved to the side, covering the bruise with his hands and I took that opportunity to get up with the rifle and ran towards where Canada went. My eyes were getting wet but I hold it in.

-Украина! (Ukraine!) He called out but I acted like I didn't hear it.

I followed the left footprints from the snow and also from the deer. I saw him from a distant but before I could call him out, I got yanked from my cape from behind which chocked me so I gaged. The person grabbed my waist and forced me to follow him. Golden wings were spread from his back so I knew it was Kazakh. He made my body nearer to his and started to fly up high in the air.

-Канада! Ні! (Canada! No!) I shouted, trying to get his attention and tried to get away from Kazakh's grip but failed.

At this height, I saw two male figures from the forest running towards the same direction that Kazakh was flying to. One of them was surely Russia, that means the other one must be Bel. That брехливий сволоч!(lying bastard!)

{Author's note}
In this family of Ukraine, everyone is male except Ukraine.

Do I look like I care?

Anyway, here's an emoji of a chicken.


That, that in french is called "un coq".

Am I really becoming a french teacher right now?

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