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{Canada's POV}
I placed her down when I arrived and unlock the door. I entered and took off my shoes and jacket. I looked over to Ukraine and noticed she didn't wear a jacket, only a hoodie.

-Where did you get that? I don't think I've brought you a hoodie, have I? I asked her and her face got red a bit.

-It's yours... I grabbed it because I was cold, sorry.

-Nah, it's fine. You can keep it if you want.

-Are you sure?

-I mean, if it makes you warm, go ahead.

She hugged me as a thank you and I hugged her back and rubbed her back slowly. After a while, I pulled back and Ukraine's body was leaning on mine. I grabbed her chin gently and brought it up and saw she was sleeping. I sighed and carried her to her room and Ace opened her door for me. I looked at him, surprised and placed her down on the bed and covered her body with a blanket. Ace lay on the floor and closed his eyes so I did a small kiss on her forehead before I left. She won't remember any of that, hopefully.

{Ukraine's POV}
I woke up yawning and rubbing my eyes tiredly. Ace wasn't in the room and it felt weird being alone. I got up from the bed and dragged my body towards the closet to change into a more comfortable clothes. I slowly took off the hoodie but stopped when I heard a knock and the door opening.

-Hey Uk- OH GOD I'M SO SORRY! Nada apologized and slammed the door shut.

I stood there, redness on my cheeks and legs shaking. I shake my head to try and forget about Nada seeing me half naked and continued to change.

I heard the door opened again and I was changing into training pants and luckily it was only Ace. I am still surprised at how he can now open doors.

When I was done, Ace was at a corner, watching me with delicate eyes. I went towards him and kneeled down in front of him and started to pet his snout and head. I gave him kisses as well and his tail started to wag. I heard a knock but this time, no one entered.

-Yeah? I called out and got up to open the door.

But Nada opened it before I arrived to the door. His cheeks were red from the previous event.

-Hey Uki, sorry again for before. He apologized again and I shook my head.

-It's fine, it's the past, so everything's fine. Don't worry about it.

-Do you still want to go to the forest with me? Since you're well rested.

-Of course! I could really use a walk.

-Great! But first, you said that you were hungry, so let's go and satisfy that need first.

-Great idea.


Nada waited for me to finish my meal. He stood opposite from me while watching me eat, which felt weird and uncomfortable but he didn't felt it and if I said something, it would've been weirder. I got up and placed the dirty dishes and he told me to clean myself up and he would take care of the dishes so I went upstairs to my bathroom and brushed my teeth and fixed my hair a bit. Before I exit my room, I called Ace and grabbed the hoodie and wore it.

When I got down, Nada was already wearing his shoes and jacket. There were two bags on the floor next to him and when he was done getting ready, he grabbed those two bags. He saw me coming down and smiled at me. I returned the smile and wore my shoes as well. Ace was sitting on the floor to not take up too much space since he is quite big.

When I was done, Nada opened the door and got out and hold the door for me and Ace and locked it when we were all out. I breathe in deeply the fresh air from spring.

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