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{Ukraine's POV}
I knew it... I knew that I was just taking stuff from Canada for granted but I never left when I was ready for the outside world. Maybe it's because at his house, it was too comfortable to leave.

All this time, I was just walking around, making sure I was far away from Canada's house. I walked for a long time so I sat under a pine tree. I shivered and sniffled and tears started to roll down again. This time, it wasn't sadness or betrayal, it was anger. If I didn't find this stupid necklace, none of this would've happened!

I grabbed the book and got up and threw it. But the book didn't hit the ground. Instead, the book was caught by a familiar figure. When I remembered who it was, I fell on the ground and Ace came closer to me to heat up my body. I had my eyes on UIA who was just reading the book. He raised his eyes to look into mine and sighed. He walked towards me and hit my head gently with the book before he squatted down to reach my eye level.

-Why did you run away? Idiot! (Pretend that this is in Ukrainian. I'm waaaaay to lazy to google it.) He asked and was glaring at me.

-You didn't listen...

-What do you mean?

-Because of me, Canada's life has been harder!

-And also fun! Having a bit of an adventure is exciting and fun! And that's what you're bringing to his life.

-Maybe you think like that, but Canada is different!

-How do you know that?

-He shouted at his brother... He shouted stuff about me! The things he hated! What don't you understand? I AM A MISTAKE! I shouted at the top of my lungs the last sentence.

UIA had never seen me shouted so his eyes were wide open. Ace came closer to my face and licked my cheek. I brought him closer and I cried on his shoulder. After a while, I looked up at UIA and he had a pity face. I gripped Ace's fur and looked down.

-I've always have been... I-


My ears were ringing, my eyes were wide open, someone from behind covered my mouth and nose and I started to breath sleeping gaz. I looked to my side and Ace was gone, and so was UIA. In front of me, I could see two figures running towards me, but the fell down on their knees when bullets went into their arms and legs. I could feel my body being dragged away and I closed my eyes.

{Canada's POV}
When I finally found Uki, I lost her. She should've never went into the heart of the forest. (Basically the middle of the forest.) That's where hunters and predators live.

I woke up feeling dragged and I lifted myself up. It was Aussie who was dragging me. I also noticed that he was carrying a book. My eyes widened when I know what book it was.

-How did you get that? I asked and got up on my feet.

-Before I got shot, the male figure that was standing in front of Ukraine threw the book at me and I caught it. I thought it was important so I hid it in my jacket.

-Nice! But... did you saw who it was? The one who shot us, I mean. I asked and wiped off the extra snow.

Aussie tried to remember the figures since he has bad memories. His eyes widened in fear.

-I think I do...


-It might be Ame and NZ...


-Now hear me out... NZ and Ame have been very nice to each other lately and whenever I asked NZ if he wanted to play crickets, he always denies by saying that he had to do something with Ame.

-But, maybe it's about time you guys split up. You two have been very close so I think it's normal.

-But NZ hates Ame. And because he tells me everything, he told me that. Plus, his eyes were like zombies, they were dead. They were... lifeless... And I think Ame has something to do with it! You know how crazy he can get with all those experiments...

-That's true... And there were only two people. Ame might be the sniper and NZ dragging the unconscious body. So it couldn't be her siblings...

-She has siblings?

-Oh yeah. Slavic.

-Oh. So how are they?

-Don't know, don't care.

I opened the door when we arrived and took out my phone and sat on the couch. I wanted to call Ame but I noticed I was blocked. I looked over at Aussie who placed the book on the table and went to sit next to me.


-I'm blocked by Ame. I can't call him.

-Really? I'll check mine.

He took out his phone and scrolled down to Ame's number and pressed the call symbol and it was instantly stopped and had a notification saying he was blocked as well.

-That bastard sure knows how to steal someone... Aussie commented and closed his phone and put it back in his pocket.

-And I wonder how...

-Probably because of all of those wars that he participated.

-Hmmm... Alright, what do we do? We lost her.

-Okay, lets not think about her yet, lets focus on this weird book. What are these symbols? Aussie suggested and opened the book.

I went closer to him and in each page, there were some words circled.

-Slavic letters, I think. Maybe it's Ukrainian?

-This book is quite old, so probably old Ukrainian... Do you know that?

-No, but I do know some Ukrainian, thanks to her. I know how to say my name!

-That's not useful, Nada.


-Hhhggg, where did you find this book?

-Follow me.

I got up and so did Aussie and we went up the stairs to my room. We went to the bathroom and I pointed at the small door. He unlocked it with the key that was in the knob and a bit of dust came out. He looked around a bit and found nothing.

-Nothing? I asked and bend down and he nodded.

-I found nothing mate.

-Wait, hold the phone.

I crawled my slim body inside a bit and reached out for a piece of paper that was way behind and crawled back out and gave an heavy sigh. I opened the piece of letter and Aussie went closer to me to examine the piece as well. It was some words that looked vaguely familiar and next to it, it was english, old english.

I looked at Aussie and he didn't understand as well. We opened the book and on one of the page, there was the same word and we turned back to the piece of paper. I couldn't understand the english, neither Aussie. I had an idea so I looked at Aussie with wide eyes and a big smile and he was weirded out.

-I guess it's time to visit dear old father.

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