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When I was born, I couldn't see my mom but the first person to ever hold me was my older brother, UIA. Me and him were blood related, he was my real brother unlike Russia, Bel or Kazakh.

UIA was the clearest face I could remember when I was young. He had a horizontal line cutting his face in half. The bottom was black and the upper was red. Because USSR was my father, he had a problem with his right eye. It was full black and the pupil was the famous gold hammer and sickle and had a small star. To hide the shame, my mother made an eye patch with the same symbol as my necklace. His clothes, well normally he will just wear mostly a black turtle neck and jeans and rarely his camo jacket... But he started to wear it so I knew wars were coming up.

He was 18 when I was born and next year was Kazakh, then again, next year was Bel. Russia was born in between me and UIA.

UIA never liked my father ever since he found out that he cheated on my mother. And the worst part is that when my mom died from giving birth to me, my father instantly married a new one. And the only one who can really remember what happened around the house was Russia or UIA, but mostly my blood related brother. So when I want to hear a story from our past or some questions, I go to him.

When I turned 2, and my brother turned 20, my brother had a huge fight with my father and I could see him holding a rifle and wearing his camo jacket and slammed loudly on my father's table before he turned around with a piece of paper in his hand and swooped me up in his arms and walked off.

I remembered the pathway from the old house to my brothers territory that used to be my moms. But suddenly, when I was running around the forest, I received a bullet near my stomach. I fell on my knees and I could see my brother running rapidly when he stopped for a second to look up and his eyes widened before he instantly jumped onto me while turning yellow.

"I love you" was what he said before yellow brightness covered the whole land. After that, I passed out.

I woke up in my old room with my two younger brothers hugging my tiny body. I shook them up and they looked at me. They were really skinny and I could see their cheekbones. The door handled turned and we looked at it and a tall man came into the room and Bel and Kazakh instantly hugged my waist and I grunt in pain because of the bullet. The old man came towards me and I pushed my younger siblings away from me before he took my neck and I gagged. I could vaguely see Russia coming from behind before I pass out again.

Fast forward to when I was 16 when I found a box under my father's bed while I was looking for my pet rat. Quick spoiler, found it dead on the garden. I opened it and found a necklace in it and a crumbled piece of paper that looked the same as which UIA was holding in his hand tightly. It was in ukrainian so I could quickly read it through. My eyes widened and looked down at the necklace and it was glowing. To clarify rapidly what was on the paper, it explained that the necklace was passed down generations after generations and it ended up on my brother. Once he dies, it's supposed to be mine. And it was said to carry majestical powers and there was a big book that contained all of the chants and spells. And it was hidden in my moms territory. So I made a promise with Bel that once I turn 18, I'll run away from the old house and go to the old territory who was now owned by someone else.

When I turned 18, I made a plan for me and Bel to get away and it was supposed to go according to plan, but Bel had to backstab me. I could barely make it out because it almost cost my leg. I had to jump from the rooftop but luckily I survived.

While running and being extremely mad at Bel, I ended up in your territory, and this wasn't a mistake. I followed the path that I memorized and I arrived here and you picked me up. You're on my mom's territory and this might be her house, and I'm searching for the book.

-So, the first main reason for you coming into my territory is to find that book? Canada asked in the living room.

I kept my head down since I don't like to talk about my past life, but I was able to say yes. He gave me a cup of water and sat down next to me. Ash climbed up the sofa with ease and tried to calm my heart beat speeding the limit by putting his front paws onto my lap and looked at me. I patted his head, smiling a bit.

-I might know where the book is... Canada suddenly confessed and I looked at him.

-I do too.

-My bathroom?


Canada got up and placed his cup of water on the table and I followed. Ace got up from me and dropped onto the floor and looked at me while slowly wagging his tail. Canada motioned with his head up to the stairs and he went to grab his axe and we both went up towards his room while Ace followed behind.

Canada opened his room and stood to the side to let me enter first. I did and he closed the door when Ace entered as well. Canada then went towards his bathroom and opened it and entered first before I followed him. I saw the same small door so I kneeled down and pulled the doorknob but it wouldn't work.

-Was this here before? I asked and turned my head towards Canada who was sitting at the edge of the tub.

-Yeah but I've never asked the owner about it. Because when I bought this house, I saw it and tried to call the owner again but he never picked up.

-Hmm... I hummed and looked around.

I got up and I used my brothers trick. I touched the brick wall and went around while feeling it. I stopped at a specific spot and turned to look at my hand.

-This, this right here isn't a brick. I said as I knocked on it and with my other hand, knocked at its side. Yup, I could hear a difference.

Canada got up and took out his axe and I pointed at the specific place and with one swing, it broke. There were some dust and Canada sneezed.

-Sorry, when there are dust, I sneeze. He sneezed again and backed up.

I went to where he was standing and saw a gold key so I reached out and got it. I went and kneeled down to the door and opened it. It worked and more dust came out and more times Canada sneezed. I saw a thick book that was leaning diagonally and I grabbed it. I blew away the extra dust and opened it. Canada bend down next to me and I put the book on his lap and on mine. Ace came and lay down next to me.

Everything was in old Latin but I could code it back by asking UIA who speaks it fluently, but that will take quite a while.

-Do you speak Latin? Canada asked and I shook my head.

-No, but UIA does.

-Cool... It was silent before he continued. This may sound weird, but do you want to play a game?

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