Fight part 2

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{Ukraine's POV}
I pushed the person with my feet and he crashed into the wall. I got up and didn't bother to look who it was because Kazakh snatched me and dragged me out and flew up into the sky. I swore I saw Canada near the entrance. I tried to fight back by moving my body left and right.

Kazakh was about to let me go and fall to my death but a bullet shot his wing which caused him to instantly let me go. My back was facing the ground while I watch Kazakh trying to control his wings.

I closed my eyes, my life flashing through my eyes, all the pain my dad and my siblings did to me, all the barely making alive moments and stuff, meeting Canada. Someone grunted when my back reached a surface. My legs were dangling off of something and my right arm was in between a beating heart and my torso. I opened my eyes in shock and I was sweating and breathing heavily.

A body crashed down from the sky which made me jump and wrapped my arms around anything that was near me. I looked at Kazakh's body which was still breathing. I couldn't control my breathing and I hugged the object tighter and closed my eyes, not wanting to see the body. Tears started rolling down and I made sobbing and crying noises, tired of hiding them.

-Hey, it's alright. Everything is fine, you're safe in my arms. Canada whispered which comfort me a lot.

He placed one knee on the ground and placed me on his other leg's lap and brought me closer to hug me tightly. Even if I didn't want to hug him, I needed a real human contact and not UIA's touch since it doesn't feel real. I eventually melt into the hug and cried until my eyes were really red. My body eventually stop being in protective mode and my body was turned back into the color yellow.

-Nada! Help me out over here! Australia called out and I took a glance at him.

Canada broke the hug and looked behind, chest still facing me. I placed my hands on his shoulder to have balance. Canada turned back to face me and gently touch my waist and put me down. I let him go and he placed his arms on his leg and looked up at me.

-Are you okay? He asked and I nodded and looked down.

He sighed and got up.

-NADA! I'M DYING! Aussie called out and he was bleeding.

Me and Canada's eyes widened and we both ran towards him. When we got near him, his nose was bleeding and he was shaking. He handed Canada a gun and went back inside the hole. Canada went inside and I followed him. On the hallway, there were electricity and water and a bunch of different rooms.

Canada started to run and I followed him behind. He entered a room and beside the door had an unconscious New Zealand. Canada entered and I took a peek inside. Australia was in the middle and fighting off Russia and Bel. Canada shot his rifle up in the air to get everyone's attention and took out his axe and threw it at Bel who was leaning on the wall. The axe planted next to his head and barely missed. When everyone was looking at the axe, Canada went towards Russia and knocked him out with the rifle. Russia fell on his knees and Canada instantly kicked him in the guts. Russia got up and grabbed Canada by his collar and punched him. They continued to fight while Australia was fighting with Bel to try and not make him go towards Russia and Canada.

I didn't like the fact that everyone is fighting like this. I tried to call their names but none of them heard. I placed my fingers in my mouth and whistled loudly and quite a while until everyone stopped and looked at me. I took my fingers out and wiped them with my pants.

-That's enough! Stop it! Doesn't anyone care what I think about all of this?! No? Why does that always surprise me?! I should get used to it, but no! I've never liked the fact that whenever I raise my voice, whenever I'm right, Every. Single. Boy thinks they're always right! I shouted with anger in my eyes.

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