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{Ukraine's POV}
-What do you mean by "revenge"? What does my necklace have to do with that! I shouted and took out my necklace that was in his front pocket.

He growled as if it was his and I'm stealing from him. I put it over my neck and stared at him. He looked away in anger and mumbled something under his breath.

-That necklace... It'll help me to get back to your father after he bombed one of my states!

-Didn't... Didn't it end and almost killed him?! I protest and he smiled.

-That's the problem! I was supposed to kill him but Finland got him! (I don't know if that's all true, but let's go with it)

-And what does my necklace have to do with it?

-Your necklace can bring the dead back, right? I'll get him back and get my revenge!


-... Can your necklace really do that? Canada asked and turned to me.

-I-I've heard rumors, but I don't know if it's true...


-Everyone knows about my necklace so they made rumors about it...

-And that's where I'm going to test it out! Ame chirped in and I looked at him.

-And how are you going to do that? Canada asked and it got quiet really quickly.

Before he could answer, a gun went flying near my face. Everything was in slow motion at that instant. My eyes widened and I looked behind. My three brothers were behind us and each of them was holding a gun in their hand. Kazakh spread his wings and squatted down before he launched himself up in the air.

I grabbed Canada's wrist and dragged him away. The pup followed us and I was trying to run as fast as I could. Russia was getting closer even if he had to carry heavy stuff. Canada noticed so he swooped me up into his arms and started to run with the pup beside him.

Canada tripped on a root and dropped me but I was ready for the impact so I landed on my side, covering my head. I rolled to the side a bit and I used my arms to lift up my upper body to look at Canada. Russia had him in his hand and Canada was trying to fight back, but at the same time, holding his ankle.

I got up and wanted to run towards him and help him but I was hold back by Kazakh and Bel. I was on my knees and my arms were behind my back and couldn't move. Ace barked at them but when Kazakh kicked him, he whimpered and then growled at him and went running towards Canada.

-Ace! стій! (Stop!) I ordered but he kept going.

I could clearly see what was happening and I saw that his eyes turned yellow. At the same time as he was running, he grew longer and taller and his ears were down and he was showing his teeth. My necklace glowed and started to move and eventually levitated away from me and float around the body of Ace while he was running.

Ace stopped in front of them and Canada and Russia didn't stopped fighting. Yellow electricity ran around Ace's body and his eyes turned fully gold. He barked loudly and that caused for a huge yellow wolf hologram howling behind him. With that, Russia, Kazakh and Bel blacked out and their eyes were fully yellow and they all fell on their knees, mouth opened a bit and eyes widened.

It was quiet and me and Canada looked at Ace and he still had electricity around his body and he was still big. There were some physical changes other than the height and the sharp teeth. For example, now, his paws were yellow, eyes yellow instead of green and the tip of his ears were yellow. His fur looked a lot more rough and had some gold accent. He had some yellow marks on his face.

I picked myself up and slowly walked towards Canada who was sitting on the floor, looking down on his hands and breathing heavily. I dropped my body next to him and he looked at me. I fall on the snow and looked up in the sky, breathing heavily as well. Canada dropped on the snow as well and Ace lay next to my leg and rest his front paws on it and rest his head on top of them and closed his eyes. I looked for the necklace and noticed it was with Ace so I left it like that and exhale heavily. I eventually closed my eyes because they were too heavy to kept open.

I woke up in my bed with Ace at the end of the bed, curled up into a ball, keeping the necklace safe. I was changed into an oversized shirt and I got red at the fact that Canada changed me. I got down from my bed and fixed my shirt a bit and opened the door. That made Ace to wake up from his nap and instantly got down the bed and followed me. I closed the door when he got out of the room and he followed me downstairs. I looked in the kitchen and saw Canada cutting some vegetables. I looked at the window and it was dark so I guess he is making dinner.

-Canada? I called out and he looked over his shoulder.

-Yeah? He asked and I walked closer to him and stood beside him and watched him now cutting the meat.

Ace walked up to me and leaned his body on my legs. I bend down started to pet him and when he stood with his two back legs and placed his front legs on my stomach, I kiss him.

-Ukraine, I have some questions. Canada said and I looked up.

-Yeah? I answered and walked towards the island and sat on it.

Ace put both of his front paws on the island next to me and started to wag his tail.

-No! Ace, paws down. I pointed the floor and he obeyed. So? Canada, what did you wanna ask me?

-I've some questions about your necklace and your families. Because those people that tried to kill us were your siblings, right?

-Yeah. How did you guess?

-Lucky guess. So, story time.

-... Where do I start?

{Author's note}
I found a bruise on my leg and I have never seen it. What did I do?!

Wanna hear a story? I'll tell you anyway.

I was getting ready with my family to pray, and my mom said to make sure ask forgiveness to God because this day, he will accept to everyone except for the ones who don't believe in God or if you fight with your siblings.

Because my brothers always fight with me, my oldest brother turned around and gave me a slap across the face. It was a loud one and we started to die of laughter.

Anyway, that's my life.

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