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{Ukraine's POV}
I didn't know where in the world Ace was running towards, but New Zealand called out and I stopped so Ace stopped as well. I turned my head and New Zealand was far away.

-That's America's territory you're going towards, are you sure you wanna continue? He shouted from a distance and I turned to Ace.

He nodded and I catched my breath and hoped this won't be a bad decision.

-I'm following Ace! I shouted back and glared at Ace.

He tilted his head a bit and I walked towards him.

-You better have a good explanation once we get over there. I said and pointed at his face.

I started to feel cold since I was just wearing pants and an oversized hoodie. Ace felt it and went behind me and went in between my legs and carried me when he got up. I gripped his fur to not fell off and he started to run. I imagined that I was on a horse and I followed the movement. I looked at his paws because I felt that we were getting faster and faster and I saw some electricity around it to help him. I got worried because he now tries to limit the powers he uses.

I looked back in front and saw that we were already in his territory and going back towards the lab.

{Canada's POV}
I opened my eyes and it was dark but with small light circles spread across the room. It seemed endless.

I started to walk in front and looked around. When I take a step, the lights made room for me to go, so I continued going to who knows where.

The lights suddenly and slowly turned to yellow, then to red. I stopped walking and observed it. The longer I stared, the harder I felt a pair of eyes looking at me. I tried to hear any movements and heard like someone walking.

I got tackle from behind and fell face first, but this time I didn't felt as much pain as before. Someone was on top of me, his feet on my back and with one of his hand, grabbed both of my wrists and hold it together tightly.

-Who are you? The person asked and leaned closer to me.

-Canada! Name's Canada. I said and shouted when I first said my name because he sunk his nails into my skin.

-Canada... What are you doing here?

-I-I accidentally touched an object and I arrived here.

-You touched my necklace.

-Necklace? You mean the necklace that broke?

-How did you know it was broken? He growled and sunk his nails deeper.

-Aïe! I saw it fell from Ace! Ukraine saw it too! I shouted and he let go instantly.

-Y-You know Ukraine? My little angel? He asked whispering and I looked at him and my eyes widened.

-U... Is your name UIA? I asked and his eyes widened.

He grabbed my neck and I gagged. I grabbed his wrist and for some reason, I felt pain. His eyes turned yellow and his grip was getting stronger.

-How did you know that?

-U-Ukraine! She... She told me a-about you.

He let go and I gasped for air. I cought and he was staring down at me. I hold my neck and breath heavily.

-I-I'm sorry. He apologized and I looked at him in disbelief.


-I didn't recognize your handprint so I thought it was an intruder, wanting to use my power for granted. Ukraine told me about a person that's named with a K, but I didn't remember his name fully.

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