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Not a chapter. I just really need to say this.

The book is now discontinued. I can't do this because my dumb ass didn't think of a plot, an end, and for some reason, the start. So this book can go for so long.

I don't like it when books gets discontinued. Once you're addicted and you want more, you're suddenly hit with the "this book is now discontinued" train, and I too hate it. But I just can't work with a book if it doesn't have an end.

Normally, I will find a good end while working on the chapters if I didn't know the end, but I just couldn't squeeze any end idea. And not only that, I couldn't find any fluff ideas. It's frustrating. And because of that, this book can go on and on until it gets repetitive.

I didn't even know why America wanted the necklace, I just made the explanation up because I had too. I also didn't even know why her siblings wanted her back home. So, you see, I just really need to discontinue this book for my mental health.

Now, I say mental health because I have problems that I developed because of school. I get paranoid, sad, I cry in the toilet because I thought that everyone hates me and becomes my friend because of pity which makes me wanna cry even more. Therapy isn't working so I never went back. I only used therapy to talk to someone.

When I discovered wattpad, I found myself having lots of ideas I wanted to try and write. And for me, writing is like therapy for me, it makes me happy. So that's also why I try not to discontinue my books.

When I say discontinued, I meant that. I will never look back at this book because I will cringe to death at all the mess that I made. Nothing is in order and stuff was getting thrown on the reader's face. I'll never try and edit this because I know it will take a lot of planning to do. Also, each chapter for my books always and I mean ALWAYS have at least 1000 words, (except the oneshots, sometimes it's long but I try not to make it that long) so that'll be hard.

For me, I used to write books by thinking of a start, a plot, and an end. That, if you follow that, you'll have yourself a good book. But for some reason, I needed to write something, anything. So I did this book without even thinking the end and I regretted it.

Plots are dangerous and you can have a lot of plots in one book, that's fine. But, example, you try to shoot an arrow and try to hit a bullseye from far away, you're chances are lower than when you're closer to the bullseye. So this book is no different. I took a long shot, thinking it will be fine if I didn't think of the end and the plots. And I missed which resulted this. I normally can recover from this mistake, but I guess not for this book since I can't find a way to clear up the questions.

You could say this was a test, but for me, it will always be something that a baby did. Spitting out ideas on the paper and an adult would write the book neatly but not changing the plots a bit to make it better. I knew that I should've stick with what I normally do, with the plans and stuff, but I guess I wanted to risk the book to flop or make it discontinued.

I sincerely hope you accept my apologies if you were disappointed. If you were actually looking forward for this book. If you enjoyed it, then I hoped you enjoyed it to the fullest.

Have a good day or night, and goodbye, for now.

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