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Curse words ahead...


I ran while Ace was following me from behind and covering the tracks with his long tail. I'm almost there, I could smell victory.

When I thought I would win this time, I got tackle from the side and rolled to the side. I looked at my hand and noticed the red rope was not where I had. I looked in front and saw Canada on his knees and twirling the rope with his finger before he got up and ran towards the finish line.

I got up and Ace was gone to chase Canada down. When I got there, I saw Ace laying down, chewing on a stick next to Canada who was leaning on a tree with the rope hanging on the winning branch. Me and him made eye contact and he smiled and I blushed of embarrassment.

-Why won't you let me win? I asked and climbed the tree to take the rope back.

-What do you mean "why I won't let you win", you need to win by yourself. Plus, this game is like an exercise, you're running much faster when you have an objective. He said as he caught me when I jumped down to not get me hurt.

I looked down and Canada got worried and looked at me.

-Your turn to hide the rope... He lowered his voice and I exhale slowly. D-Do you want to stop? Do you feel tired?

-I do, actually... We have been playing for some quite a long time. Are you find with that?

-Yeah, of course. Let's go.

He placed his arm around my shoulder and brought me closer to him and I stayed silent while we walk. My face was red and my stomach felt like it had butterflies in it. It felt so nice and yet I want it to stop, but at the same time, I don't. Ace slowly walked beside me to keep up with our slow pace. He looked up at me and tilted his head to the left a bit, not used to my face looking red. I placed my index finger on my mouth as if he would understand me, and I could feel Canada's eyes looking at me so I turned and looked up to face him. He looked at me and smiled and that made me so red I had to turn away.

When we got back home, I took off my shoes and cape and waited until Ace's paws were dried and rushed up to my room and closed the door when Ace was inside. He went on my bed and I dragged my body towards him and got on the bed and placed my head on his body and brought my knees to my chest and Ace wrapped me with his tail. My face was burning because of the blushing and my stomach had a knot. I closed my eyes, hoping a small nap will calm myself down.

{Canada's POV}
I saw Uki rushing up to her room with Ace and I sighed. She and the wolf were surprisingly close. I placed my axe on the counter and took out my phone. During the game, I received a message but I didn't check it because I didn't want to loose. I was surprise it was from Aussie who texted me saying that he would come over for a chat. I closed my phone and put it in my pocket and went up towards Uki's room and knocked quietly. There wasn't any response so I opened it gently.

I was surprised at the sleeping body that was curled up next to the wolf's body. So I'm for sure not waking her up or bring Aussie up here. I backed up and closed the door and I felt someone at the door so I skipped a bunch of steps to get down faster and opened the door. Aussie was surprised to see me open it before he knocked or rang but I just gave a small smile and let him inside.

-Dang mate, you're like Peter Parker. With your spidey sense and shit. Aussie complemented and took off his boots and followed me to the living room. Where's the lady?

-In her room, sleeping. I answered and sat on the couch.

Aussie followed my movement and looked at me suspicious. I looked up at him and rolled my eyes.


-Why is she sleeping at three o'clock?

-We were playing a game...

-A game? What are you, five?

-What's wrong playing while you're a grown up? I growled and looked straight and pierced his soul.

-Nothing mate! It just seemed, unusual...

-Ppf, whatever. I said and looked down and brought my upper body foward and placed my arms on my thighs.

-... What are you getting sassy about? He asked and crossed his arms and leaned back and crossed his legs as well.

-What in the world do you mean? I looked up at him with tired looking eyes.

-... Why are you so tired? What happened to the jolly Canada that I know and love?

-Ame tried to fucking kill Uki, alright! E-Everything is just weird and stressful now that she's here with me! She has a pet wolf for some reason that I also have to feed and-

-Dude! Shut up!

I looked at him and he looked petrified and was staring at the stairs. My eyes shattered and my heart skipped a beat. I slowly turned my head towards where he was staring and everything stopped. Uki had her head down and that's when I knew I messed up. I suddenly got up brutally and Ace growled at my action so I backed up slowly because of my reflexes.

I looked at Uki and tears started to fall and she had gritted teeth. She was shaking and trying to hide any hicks. Her hand turned into a fist. She stopped her teeth from gritting and was normal and she wiped her tears away. I was surprised at how fast she could change her facial expression.

I didn't know why I said those things when I know I didn't mean it. I needed to let some stress out and talking trash was one of the ways to take it out but why did it had to be about Uki. I ran my hand through my hair and pulled it a bit, not to hard. I dropped my hand and wanted to walk to Uki but Ace barked and yellow electricity ran through his body so I stopped.

-I'm sorry... Uki whispered and I took a quick glace at Aussie and he was shocked.

Uki walked down the stairs with the thick book in her arms and wore her boots while Ace stopped me from coming near her. She wore her cape and looked at me and smiled widely while tears still coming out which cracked my heart.

-Thank you, Канада, for everything...

She said and opened the door and placed the keys on the rack and took one more look at me and smiled weakly and closed the door. Leaving me with a broken feeling and a surprised Aussie.

-You fucked up mate.

-... I did... I fucked up big time...

{Author's note}
Hah! You thought! I'm not nice with them at all... Shoot, I need to fix tha- I mean, I know what I'm doing!


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