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{Ukraine's POV}
-Let me show you your room. Canada said and I nodded.

We went up some stairs and on the second floor, he opened a door. I was carrying my new clothes by myself because I didn't want to trouble him. I entered the not used room and I looked over at Canada. He was leaning on the door, smiling at me. I looked around the room and it was really big. I smiled, but I felt bad that I was taking advantage of it.

-It... It is big... I said and turned to him.

-I know, but it's the only empty room I have that has a bed.

-B-But, it is too big.

-Like I said, it's the only one. Don't you like it?

-Yes, I like it... Thank you! I said and placed the bags on the bed and I took out the stuff.

-I'll leave you alone then, I'll make some snacks and tea. What do you want?


-Okay. I'll call you later. He said and closed the door.

I grabbed the clothes and rearranged it in the closet. I took off my scarf that I wore the whole time. I sat on the bed swiping away some dust that might have beed stuck on it. I took out my necklace that was shoved in my pocket. I sighed when I looked at it. I lay on the bed on my stomach and looked at it, staring at it, hoping in will glow again.

The door knocked and I got up. I put the necklace at my neck and went to opened the door. Canada was in front of the door.

-Hey, may I enter? He asked and I moved to the side.


-My brothers are coming over to have a little chat, so, I don't mean to be rude, but could you change into the clothes I brought?

-Yes, okay.

-Great! They will be here in 20 minutes. Get ready and come downstairs.

-Okay. I said and he exit the room and I closed the door.

I locked the door just in case and opened the closet. I took off my clothes and I took out the leggings and wear it and put shorts over it. I took the turtle neck shirt and tucked the front and put a belt. When I know I was ready, I used the mirror to fix my hair with my hands and opened the door and walked downstairs. I found him in the kitchen so I walked towards him. He had the water boiling and some crackers out. I watched him from behind in silence.

-You know, I can sense that you are near me, Ukraine. Don't try to sneak up on me.

-I am not. I am watch you.

-"watching". Why are you watching me?


-Because why?

-I don't know. I said and he laughed a bit.


It was silent, but not a heavy one, just, a comfortable one. Where we just appreciate to have company.

I grabbed the drinks and with Canada, I help him to carry it to the living room and placed it on the table that was in front of the couches. The doorbell rang and I wanted to take it but Canada said he got it. I sat on my knees on the floor, waiting for the guests. I kept my head low and when the door opened, there were three voices I didn't recognize. My curiosity almost got the best of me, but I kept my head low, no matter what.

-Who's she? One of the voice asked and I felt eyes on me. I hid my head lower, embarrassed that they were talking about me.

-Someone I found in my forest so I decided she could stay with me and keep me company.

-Oi, that's nice. And her name? Another voice said, but more joyful.

-I call her Ukraine.

-You mean, you don't know her real name? The last voice asked which was a bit higher pitch then the others.

-Well, she doesn't speak English that well, but I'm helping her. So don't speak too fast with her. Canada explained.

Footsteps got closer to me and I turned my hands into fists. It reminds me like those interviewers coming into our house and asking us some questions.

-Hey there m'lady! Say, you're bloody pretty, ya know that? The second voice said and kneeled down.

I was too scared to look up. Dad always force me and my siblings to keep our eyes down as a sign of respect and to not let them take pictures of us, but I've also seen it as a sign of shyness. I saw my necklace glow so I finally looked up and my eyes widened at how close we were. My instincts forced me to back up without a second thought. His eyes widened at my harsh movements.

-Ey, sorry there mate. Didn't mean to pop your comfort zone! Name's Australia, call me Aussie if ya comfy with that! He said and got up to sit on the couch.

I couldn't understand what he was saying. Is his name is Australia or Aussie? And I couldn't understand what "ya" and "mate" meant. And doesn't "bloody" means a lot of blood? Like the red liquid that comes out of your body when someone hurt you? I guess my face was clearly showing signs of questions because Canada placed his hand on his shoulder and smiled at his brother.

-Dude, slow down on the slangs. I said she doesn't know English. Canada said and Australia (I will just call him that) nodded and turned to me to smile at me warmly.

-My name's America and this is New Zealand. The first voice said and introduced himself and the person next to him.

I looked down at my necklace and it was dead, he doesn't feel safe. I just nodded in response and got up to leave this living room.

-Eh, where are you going? Canada called out and I turned to him.

-Kitchen. To leave you and your brothers alone. I said and before he could say anything, I entered the kitchen and closed the door.

I leaned on the door and sat on the floor. I kept my necklace in my palms to make it feel safe. I tapped some times on it to try and make it glow, but it didn't. I sighed in sadness and rest my head on the door. I heard muffled voices coming from the other room. I kept my eyes lock on the necklace. Someone here is making UIA not feeling safe... I need to get that person out of here...

{Author's note}
Does your school have a dress code? Or even a uniform?

Because mine doesn't. We can wear anything we want and it will be fine. You come in school with pyjamas... honey I don't if I should be scared of you or feel inspired.

But in eight grade or lower, sure, you can't have shorts that are too short. But in middle school, go ahead. Literally, you can wear a crop top that shows a lot of skin and wear shorts. I have never wear them because I felt uncomfortable in them and I am not that comfortable with my body.

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